Bible in 90 Days Week 10/ Day 64 Check in

Happy Labor Day… and Happy Week 10 of the Bible in 90 Days!

By the time you go to sleep tonight, to be up to date you should have read up to Hosea 13:6 or page 768 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible.

Yes, we WILL meet tonight on Twitter from 8-9 CST even though it is Labor Day, so I hope you can join us as we chat about the reading to date and the program in general.

With only 26 days to go, how is it coming? Can you believe you have almost read the entire Bible? If you are ahead or on track, what has been the secret to your success? If you are behind, what steps are you taking to make your reading happen and finish with the rest of us October 2?

Link up, leave a comment and let us know.

(If you are linking a post, please be sure to link directly to the post and not your homepage. Also, please link back to this post directly from the post on your site and also leave a comment here. Leaving a comment helps me to better keep track of everyone. Thanks!!)

I promise to pray for each commenter individually. Would you please also pick a few commenters to pray for, as well?


79 responses to “Bible in 90 Days Week 10/ Day 64 Check in”

  1. music_girl29 Avatar

    Slightly behind, but will catch up. Enjoying reading through the prophets…

  2. I’m just a little behind, almost at the end of Ezekiel. I’ll probably catch up tomorrow!

  3. trilled to say that I am ALL CAUGHT UP! Woo hoo!

    We have company for the next 2 weeks, so I am praying that God will provide pockets of time for me to stay caught up and am trusting Him to do it – after all, this was His idea!

    I am enjoying this very much, and am blessed by the large readings! I am thinking that I might switch from through the Bible in a year to through the Bible twice a year after this. I do so much better when I read lots.

  4. Due to company I was behind by two days earlier this week, but now I’ve caught up. I think it will be very interesting to read all the minor prophets in such a short time and see the similarities.

  5. I’m a few days behind, in the middle of Ezekiel. I’ve been in this spot before and caught up so I’m sure I can again. Also we’re putting the kids to bed early tonight so I’m hopeful I’ll get a little more reading done before going to sleep myself.

  6. Julie Young Avatar
    Julie Young

    At the beach for the Holiday, but am current up until today. Will get back on track when I get home!!

  7. I am a couple days behind. But, I’m still plugging away. These prophets are difficult for me to navigate through. However, I am looking forward to the NT!

  8. STILL BEHIND :( and almost forgot about check-in tonight! Tomorrow is the first day of school for my kids, and I have the day off, so I think once I get home I am going to sit outside with a cup of coffee and my Bible! I am committed to finishing ON TIME so I will read read read and be back on track.

  9. I was doing well in the early part of this week but then we went away for the weekend and I got a couple of days behind. I have found that the best time for me to read is when my daughter is napping and the house is quiet but it is harder on the weekends or when we travel. Hopefully I’ll catch up over the next few days. I’m SO excited to start the NT.

  10. I’m one day behind, and with all my family home today and wanting my attention I couldn’t break away to read on my own!

  11. Got about 3 days behind this week and having a hard time for some reason. I keep re reading things and zoning out. Been behind before and caught up, so hoping I’ll be alright doing so again.

  12. I’m still way behind, hanging out in Isaiah. I just keep plugging on.

  13. I am two days behind. I started back to work. I will have to find an evening to catch up. I’ll keep reading everyday and pray for a still night to read ahead. I actually think I will be able to drop in for the chat tonight, for the first time in a long while.

  14. All caught up, was a bit behind after the begining of the week, but was determined to be caught up by today. I am soooo excited about the New Testiment!

  15. Just added my link… we’re behind and getting behinder. But we are still moving forward. Hopefully we’ll get back on track this week.

  16. Lisa Schlenker Avatar
    Lisa Schlenker

    I am still on track and just finished reading Nahum. I am excited about getting into the New Testament this week. I am not sure I will be able to check in the next two Mondays as we are leaving for a 2 week trip to the Northwest Territory in Canada next Monday. Not sure about the internet connection where we will be. But I will keep reading.

  17. I’m just beginning Day 60 today, but it’s only 4:30…so I may get a couple days’ worth reading done before bed. I’m struggling to stay on track!

  18. I’m still on track. I agree that giving yourself no other option than to complete each day’s reading before the day is done is how I’m staying on track. I feel guilty if I don’t.

  19. Madridmom Avatar

    I really thought I would get all caught up but somehow managed to get 3 days behind this week. Ezekiel has been a bit tough to slog through but I started highlighting every time I saw the phrase “then they shall know that I am the LORD” or variations on that same general idea. Amazing how many times that phrase is used throughout that book.
    One more week before the kids go back to school and then I will have a different schedule which will just have to include a chunk of uninterrupted reading time in the morning. I WILL FINISH.

  20. One day behind…plugging along. Still, I can’t believe we are 2/3 of the way through the Bible!

  21. I’m happy to say that I’m all caught up! I got a little behind this weekend which was frustrating. I don’t know why but I have had a lot of trouble concentrating on Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. This is not good. Daniel was a nice read after struggling through the previous books. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far!

  22. Wanda Shepherd Avatar
    Wanda Shepherd

    Still reading, still caught up. Every once in awhile I get a day behind, but I always make sure to catch up the next day. Haven’t been blogging at all, so no new post to link to.

  23. Don’t give up! You are getting towards the end of the Old Testament! For me, it got easier when I hit the New Testament. You can do it!

  24. I got a little behind when my Mom was in the hospital. I was so worried when she had the heart attack. Then I remembered, God is in control; my worrying won’t make an iota of difference. He will decide the outcome. So I went back to petitioning him on my mother’s behalf for healing and for salvation. I pray for her many times each day. And I went back to reading my Bible. I’m on schedule now again. I love it. Last night and this morning I actually listened to it being read instead of reading it. But thats ok.

  25. I’m still behind but catching up steadily. I’ll get there!

  26. Still very much behind, but continuing to work on it. I’m not sure I’ll finish in 90 days but I’m going to try!

  27. About two days behind, but not worried about it. I thinkI’ll catch up this week- the kids start school tomorrow.

  28. I am caught up… I rely on prayer. I can tell such an amazing difference when I pray first, asking God for help!! I have fallen a day behind several times, but I make the time the next day to read both sections. I’m nervous about this upcoming Friday – I have company for dinner and may not get to read – so then I’ll have to read both Fri and Sat on Saturday morning.

    Blessings, and I’m praying for those who are behind – don’t give up!! Even Isa is over half way done!! :-)

  29. Was a bit behind going into the weekend, but used the day off work to catch up. Excited to head into the final stretch of this and committed to stay on track!

  30. I am closer this week to being caught up, as I have been reading 2 readings a day. I do so enjoy the reading and have been thankful that it is refreshing and not work. My goal is to be caught up by next week so that I can blog about all that I have been reading. Thanks!

  31. I just finished Hosea!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Two weeks ago, I was about a month behind, but I purposed to be caught up by September 1st. God provided the time and the focus and I read over 400 pages of my Bible (not a 90 Days Bible) in five days. Honestly, I can’t take any credit for myself. My strategy was to be humble and to rely on God, and He totally came through for me (as if He wouldn’t!?). Now, I’m using Isaiah 50:7 as my theme verse:

    “Because the Sovereign LORD helps me,
    I will not be disgraced.
    Therefore have I set my face like flint,
    and I know I will not be put to shame.”

    I simply REFUSE to get behind again. I’m setting my face like flint and reading every day. Even if it means I don’t go to bed until 11:30. I won’t put it off until “tomorrow,” because that’s how I got in so much trouble to begin with.

  32. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    I have a house full of company for the next 45 days, but have 3 hours to myself right now to read. Still a bit behind, but consistently so. Happy Labor Day, readers!

  33. I am on schedule with the reading. We were traveling all last week and I was concerned that it would be hard to keep up with my reading, but my family was so supportive and gave me time each day to read. Happy Monday!

  34. I’m right no track now. I’m hoping I can stay on track while we are on vacation next week. I’m glad we’ll be in the NT by the end of the week. I have a small pocked Bible I stuck in my purse today so I won’t forget it.

  35. Way, way, way behind. Still in Isaiah. This is the week I really hope to get on task with a number of things. Still plugging away, though. I’d love to be remembered in someone’s prayers, please. Thank you. Kimberly

  36. Just posted today about my being behind, but committed still to finishing on time with the group. Children are back in school and I am dedicating the time to the Lord.
    To your success,
    Dr. Laura

  37. I will be finishing Hosea today.
    My secret is to spend my quiet time reading on my bed early in the morning. I read after hubby and son have gone off to work and school. There is no background noise to distract me.

    Happy Labor Day everyone and keep up the good work!!

  38. So Far Behind. . .just starting Jeremiah. Not giving up, just behind.

    Andrea in NC

  39. I was three days behind when I started the week, but I was able to catch up this week. On Thursday I felt God calling me to use the long weekend to push ahead, so I have been reading 2-3 days worth since Thursday night. I just finished Day 83, and will read some more later. I am so close to the finish line and am so excited!!

    I will be praying for all you readers!! We CAN do this!

  40. I’m caught up, and am really enjoying this. I’ll be in prayer for those who are behind…you can DO THIS!


  41. I’m right around Ezekiel 15, so I’m pretty far behind, but I’m encouraged by reading all the commenters before me! I will catch up somehow!

  42. I am on track. I fell a little behind this week but was able to catch up in the quiet of this morning. I also started back to school this week (taking 17 hours) and we are in the beginning (paperwork) stages of an adoption. So please pray that I will be able to keep up with everything. This is the first time that I have been able to stay on track with a Bible reading program and I am grateful for this opportunity.

  43. Oh, my. Now I’m 5 days behind. But it’s all good! I was 7 days behind yesterday, so I have some hope that I will catch up by the end of the week. If I could stop staring at this cute new person in my house, I might be reading a little faster. :-)

  44. I am two days behind…:( Hoping to catch up a little on vacation with the grandparents…this darn morning (all day) sickness thing is making it hard to get things done! But Praise God this baby is giving me morning sickness :)

  45. I am on track. I go between wanting to get ahead and staying on pace. Since this is going to be a year-round thing for me, I *think* I have decided to stay on the pace. :D Have a great day!

  46. I’m too far behind. but there is long holiday weekend coming so I hope to catch up.

  47. I am on track with my reading and I am actually starting the book of Amos this evening. So I guess I am a little ahead…lol. I try not to go to bed until all of my reading is done for the day but there has a been a few times where I was a couple of chapters behind but was able to catch up the next day.
    Amy, I am so thankful that you hosting this blessed event and may God continue to bless you!

  48. I’m up to date and amazed that I’m over 2/3 done! I actually got one day behind and had to read two days today (Sunday). To keep on track I simply purpose to finish before I go to sleep, and to never get more than a day behind. It’s not always easy, but I’m determined to finish! I’m really looking forward to the minor prophets. Hopefully I’ll get a post up, but if not I’ll definitely be at the Twitter meetup – those really are a highlight in my week! I’ll miss them when we are done…

  49. I finished last week (as I had begun at the tail end of May) and so I am praying for you all to finish! You can do this!

    If you are on track right now, then you are SO CLOSE to the New Testament. It really is a change of pace!

  50. My sister’s wedding totally threw me off so I am WAY behind. But I have renewed determination this week and I WILL catch up by October 2nd! Say a prayer for me please?!

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