Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 8:1-25

The reading for Tuesday is Luke 8.

Here is what I heard:

Scripture: Luke 8:16

“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.”


When you are truly ignited by the light of the Lord and His love, how could you hide it?


Don’t hide the light of the Lord. Share it.

How are you honoring the light of the Lord inside of you?

Are you sharing it or hiding it?

Are you sharing it in some areas, but keeping it dim in others?

If you truly love the Lord, let his light shine in you and around you onto others.

Don’t worry about what your non-believing friends might think– just live a life honoring Christ and don’t be afraid to share about it.

This is coming from a girl who has been there.

I kept things pretty compartmentalized for awhile and I really struggled with how I would share my faith online without offending any of my friends who were not believers.

Then I decided to just give sharing my faith online a try and then started posting links to my devotionals on MomsToolbox on my Facebook wall.

My non-believing friends are still my friends… and I know I’ve given some of them a lot to consider.

And since then I have grown to share my faith more and my faith has grown, too.

By sharing, and growing more comfortable sharing, I’ve only increased my blessings and the blessings of those who may not have really known Christ before I shared.

If you’ve got the light in you, let it shine! He won’t let you down when you share his love!


Lord, thank you for sharing your light with me and for guiding me in sharing it with others. Please keep encouraging me to continue and also help me to help others share your light and your love also.

Thank you.

How are you going to let his light shine? Or will you hide it?

Be sure to record your own SOAP observations and feel free share your own thoughts or a link to your thoughts, here, too.

Didn’t start reading or Blogging Through  the Gospels with us? That’s okay, join in anytime. Each Sunday evening I post the reading schedule for the week ahead and each evening I post the next day’s reading assignment and devotional. Feel free to jump in where we are anytime and blog or journal along using the SOAP format. Feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter using the #Gospels hashtag, too.

If you would be interested in sharing your own SOAP observations on MomsToolbox as a guest SOAP’er, please send me an email using the contact button on the top right. I’ll be in touch soon to discuss the details.


2 responses to “Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 8:1-25”

  1. Wow, that’s amazing, Amy! I chose the same verse to SOAP on that you did!!

    ~Austin M.

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