Blogging Through the Gospels: Mark 15

The reading for Saturday is Mark 15.

Here is what I heard:

There is more to the story than we know

Scripture: Mark 15:32

Let this Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.


He was insulted as the chief priests taunted him to show his power and save himself.

But they didn’t know the whole story. They thought that once he died, he would be dead. They thought his opportunity to show his strength was at hand and he wasn’t doing anything.


How often do we ask him to show his power and then become disappointed when he doesn’t- or when it appears as though he doesn’t.

Just as at Jesus’ crucifixion, God has bigger plans in mind for us than we might imagine. What looks like defeat or disaster in our eyes could  likely be a step that must be climbed before the final outcome of victory is to be achieved.


Lord, when I an d others are disappointed, discouraged and confused, please show us your glory, your love and comfort.

We do not know every detail of your master plan, but you do.

Guide us in following you and having faith– even when things appear grim to us.

Thank you for your all-knowing power. I love you. I trust you. I am yours and you are in control. Thank you.

What about you? What did you see and hear in your reading of Mark 15?

Do you sometimes struggle in your faith that He has a bigger picture in mind?

Didn’t start reading or Blogging Through  the Gospels with us? That’s okay, join in anytime. Each Sunday evening I post the reading schedule for the week ahead and each evening I post the next day’s reading assignment and devotional. Feel free to jump in where we are anytime and blog or journal along using the SOAP format. Feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter using the #Gospels hashtag, too.

If you would be interested in sharing your own SOAP observations on MomsToolbox as a guest SOAP’er, please send me an email using the contact button on the top right. I’ll be in touch soon to discuss the details.


2 responses to “Blogging Through the Gospels: Mark 15”

  1. Today was a very moving chapter for me. Just to think about what Jesus did for us! I really like how the song “Above all” sums it up–so I included a video of it in my post. So, so powerful. I have a question for you: what will YOU do with Jesus??

    ~Austin M.


    I was thinking of peer pressure. How what an influence Jesus was on the centurion who freely said Jesus must have been the Son of God. Peer pressure on Pilate, who had a man whom he knew was innocent put to death. Did the centurion live differently from then on? And I wonder, are WE changed because we have been with Jesus? Can others see that we are different?

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