Blogging Through the Gospels: Mark 16

The reading for Sunday is Mark 16..

Here is what I heard:

Sometimes even the best news appears scary
Scripture: Mark 16:8

Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.


These ladies were prepared to care for Jesus’ dead body and instead they were met by an angel who told them Jesus had gone and would meet them soon.

Of course they were bewildered!

It had to have been unbelievable, and yet it was the truth, just as he had said.


It’s nice to see that even though they were bewildered, Jesus still loved them and showed himself to them eventually. He knew they would come and that they would be surprised. And he knew he needed to go. I love how he sends an angel to explain more to them.

He loves us and he does some pretty unbelievable things… and he sends comfort when he does.

And, although his resurrection was the best news the women possibly could have received, it still scared them at the time, until they had a better understanding.

Lord, thank you for loving us and reaching out to us, even when we are confused and scared. Thank you for not giving up on us when we don’t see the big picture. I am so thankful that you do have the best in mind.

I love that you are so compassionate and kind and want to comfort us and know how every little piece fits together.

Thank you, Lord!

What about you? What did you see and hear in your reading of Mark 16?

Be sure to record your own SOAP observations and feel free share your own thoughts or a link to your thoughts, here, too.

Didn’t start reading or Blogging Through  the Gospels with us? That’s okay, join in anytime. Each Sunday evening I post the reading schedule for the week ahead and each evening I post the next day’s reading assignment and devotional. Feel free to jump in where we are anytime and blog or journal along using the SOAP format. Feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter using the #Gospels hashtag, too.

If you would be interested in sharing your own SOAP observations on MomsToolbox as a guest SOAP’er, please send me an email using the contact button on the top right. I’ll be in touch soon to discuss the details.


2 responses to “Blogging Through the Gospels: Mark 16”


    What are we doing with Jesus? Are we leaving Him dead in the tomb? Or do we believe that He has risen? The answer to that question makes all the difference in the world….

  2. Whatever God asks us to do, he will give us strength and he will help us through whatever he asks us to do.

    ~Austin M.

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