Could I amaze with boldness?

Scripture: Acts 4:13

The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

Observation: Peter and John were regular guys proclaiming and doing extraordinary things. They did not have any formalized training except that of being with Jesus and this puzzled the council members.

Application: I certainly don’t have any formalized training in religion or Christianity. I have read the Bible a few times and I try to listen when I pray. I don’t know that I am amazing anybody, but I am trying to stand up for Jesus. It’s a lot easier here in my blog than out loud in daily conversation.

Perhaps God is telling me to take that next step and be a bit bolder in my day-to-day life and speak out loud of Him more. I worry that someone will bring up a forceful argument and I will get frazzled and won’t be prepared with the right answer. Or that my interpretation of something might lead someone along the wrong path. Or that I will offend someone.

In the blog it’s much easier to speak because I just share one little thought or interpretation and no one is arguing with me live.

Perhaps I need to have more faith that He will give me the words I need. And He will give me the level of understanding I need.

Prayer: Lord, if you want me to be bolder in proclaiming your name, please empower me. Present the situation and hold my hand as I navigate through. Show me who to talk to and what to say. And guide me in winning hearts and souls for your kingdom.



2 responses to “Could I amaze with boldness?”

  1. Thank you so much for posting your thoughts and prayers on this blog. I read it often and it is always a reminder to focus on the things that really matter. And it is always wonderful to know that other people wonder the same things I do (like about the rituals with the clothes!) and you just ask God to help you understand instead of forgetting about it. So thank you again and please keep going! God bless you and yours.

  2. I have had the same message – to talk more about Jesus! It is difficult to do, but I also believe that the more I blog my bible studies, the more I learn and the easier it will become to speak out when the opportunities present themselves.

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