Daily Devotion: 31 Days in Proverbs: Proverbs 3

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolboxWow, it’s Sunday! I kept thinking that yesterday was Sunday which was really throwing me off, but now I’m caught up. Or at least I know which day it is, anyhow! :)

Yesterday two of my three kids came home from two weeks away at summer camp, and our other child relinquished his temporary only-child status.  I could swear that the two that were gone both grew taller while they were away and I think my son’s voice got a bit deeper, as well.  It’s great to have everyone back together and hear the stories of the kids’ adventures. I’m sure I’ll hear more stories today and I look forward to those.

But first, a little wisdom from the Big Dude and Proverbs.

Since it is the 3rd and we are reading one chapter of Proverbs each day this month, today I read Proverbs 3.

In SOAP form, this is what stood out to me:


Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.

–Proverbs 3- 13-14


Wisdom and understanding are more valuable than material wealth.


True understanding is so much for valuable than material wealth. It will bring so much more to life in so many ways. Sure, material wealth can take care of some things and make me a lot more comfortable in lots of ways, but true understanding transcends even that comfort.

For me, my latest nugget of wisdom, which these verses hammered home, is that wisdom is also understanding that you do not need to know or understand everything. Embracing that is going to be a challenge, and yet I am seeing the truth in that more and more with each passing season.

He will give me what I need and tell me what I need to know if I ask and listen. The what I need to know part of that is key. I do not need to know everything. And He will let me know what it is that I need to know if I follow His guidance.

That, while at first being a bit unsettling, is now becoming comforting to me.

He’s got me. He’s got this. I just need to treasure that, remember that and revel in that. And, of course, stay close to Him, seek Him and listen to Him.


Oh Lord, you ARE all knowing. You do love each of us. And you know our path’s and options.

Thank you for showing me that having wisdom and understanding doesn’t mean knowing all, but it also means trusting you and seeking you for the wisdom I need. I don’t need to know it all. I just need to seek you and listen. And you’l give me the insight I need as I need it.

I love you. Please help me to stay close. Please help me to listen and hear You. Please guide me in pushing away distractions.


What do you think?

What did you hear as you read and reflected today? What so you think about my epiphany on wisdom? I’d love read your thoughts in the comments.



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