Daily SOAP Devotion: Acts 6 #SOAPDevo


Good Morning!

Today’s reading really grabbed me and reminded me of something very practical I need to address. It’s something I’ve been struggling with for years and something many business books suggest and discuss. Whatever could that be?

Read on, my friends….

Here’s our Daily SOAP Devotion reading for today:

Acts 6
Using  the SOAP Devotional Method really helps me to zero in on God’s message in the reading each day. Here’s what I heard loud and clear this morning:

Scripture: Acts 6: 2-4 (Partial)

“It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and we will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”


I had to go with several verses here instead of the one I typically try to do with SOAP. Here’s how I would restate the verses:

We cannot do it all, and we need to focus on what we, specifically, do best. Please appoint others who are good at filling that role which needs to be filled so the task can be done and we can focus on what we are intended to focus on.

To make it even more to the point, it might say just this:



I don’t know about you, but I have struggled with this one for years. I don’t want to let go of the responsibilities and yet I also need and want to let go of so many responsibilities.

God knows we cannot do it ‘all.’ He did not design us for that. He designed us to work together, each doing what we are intended to do rather than doing everything on our own.

Here He reminded me to stop and think about what I am best at, and do that. He reminded me to prayerfully consider what I should and should not be doing and who I can add to my team to take the tasks off my plate for which I am not intended.

This lesson, I believe, can be applied to home and business. (How many business books are written about delegation? How many are written about doing more by doing less?) We need to count on each other.

I need to let go of some things and do what I do best, letting others shine in the areas they manage best. Back when I was hosting the Bible in 90 Days here on MomsToolbox, I learned pretty early on to embrace help from others. As a result the ministry blossomed.

I need to find my team for VineSleuth. I’m certainly on that quest! I’ve been able to find teammates for home stuff. And each thing I have relinquished has brought back blessings.


Oh, Father God, you sure got me here. You know I am weary. You know my to do list runneth over. And you know I need to focus on what I am best at and pass the rest of to others. Please, please please, Lord, guide me in doing just this. I need you. I need your direction  in what to pass off and whom I can trust to manage those tasks. (Wow. I sure do have a problem t=with this. I had initially typed share not manage. It’s so hard to let go!)

I want to do the things you designed me to do, the things I do best and the things you want me to grow into doing better. Please help me to see what to remove from my task list and who can help. Bring the right team members into my mind.

Thank you, Lord.

What about you?

Delegating is something I’ve always been challenged in doing. I want to do things my way as my arrogance makes me think my way is the best way. But I’m getting better at it.  Do you delegate? How do you decide what to pass off?

Or, did something else grab you from today’s reading? I’d love to know how today’s reading impacted you.

If you aren’t reading with us already, here’s some information to get you started:



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