Guest Post: Why read through the Bible in 90 Days?

Why read through the Bible in 90 days? It sounds like so much work.

I already read through the Bible each year.

What if I get behind? How will I ever catch up?

These were all of my considerations when I first read about the read through the Bible in 90 days challenge.

I had been reading through the Bible most years since I was in college. There had only been a few years I didn’t make it due to pregnancies, tiny children, and beginning homeschooling. I felt pretty self-satisfied and a little smug. I was able to keep up with the reading easily. I’m an avid reader anyway. And I felt good when I checked off my daily Bible reading.

I first saw the read through the Bible in 90 days program at my church. There was some literature out, a few Bible in 90 days Bibles, and some sign ups for support groups. I wasn’t too interested- thinking of all the arguments I’ve already listed. And, honestly, I thought “why buy another Bible? I think this is just a way for the publisher to make money.”

Not long after seeing the display at my church, I began seeing information about Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days with Mom’s Toolbox. I must admit this interested me a little more because I do enjoy blogging, after all. I saw several of my blogging friends signing up as this began to make its way around the blogosphere. So, I took the plunge and signed up in January of 2010. I’ll admit there wasn’t much prayer and conviction involved. It was really more of an “everyone else is doing it, why not me?”

But, God used even that sorry reason for reading for His glory. I was very blessed my first time reading the Bible through in that way. For one thing, it was no longer easy for me. I couldn’t do it in my own strength, and I had to actually develop consistently reading as a discipline. I couldn’t read sporadically either. When I was reading through on a yearly schedule, I could easily miss a day or two and catch up. Now, if I missed a day, my next day’s reading was much longer.

The biggest blessing for me came in reading the Bible as a cohesive whole so quickly through. I’ve always known the Bible. I grew up in a Christian home and went to church and Christian school. But, every Bible study I had ever done focused on an isolated part of the Bible. I was studying Acts, or the Gospels, or the Books of the Law- all in isolation.Even when I read through the Bible in a year, a whole year went by between the time I read Genesis and the time I read Revelation.

When I read through in 90 days (that’s just three months!), I could see the flow of the Bible so much better. And things that had never clicked with me began to click. Trudging through the books of the law (always difficult for me) took on new meaning when just a few weeks later I could see how all those rules and sacrifices pointed to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ who was fully perfect in a way I could never be. And all those lists of kings and prophets flowed together and made so much more sense when I was reading those books all together within a few weeks of each other!

If you are hesitating to read through the Bible in 90 days, I encourage you to do it! Prayerfully seek God’s strength because you cannot do it in your own strength. Read and allow Him to use this in your life to bless you and help you to grow in your Christian walk. Reading through the Bible in 90 days can be life-changing. Sign up today, and watch God work!

Leah first read through the Bible in 90 days in January of 2010.  She has since read through two more times and mentored others through reading.  She is a homeschooling mom of four children and enjoys reading, blogging, and hanging out with her husband and children.  You can visit her at The Courtney Six or find her on Facebook (probably playing games).

Follow this link to learn more about or sign up for the Bible in 90 Days with MomsToolbox.


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