Is it dangerous for you to believe?

Scripture: Acts 21: 12-13

12When we heard this, we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Observation: Despite many warnings of imminent danger, Paul still continued to Jerusalem to proclaim the news of Jesus Christ.

Application: Living in the USA in this time, it is so hard for me to fully understand the danger of being a follower of Christ. I cannot imagine living a life where Christians are persecuted, yet it still happens today in lots of places. I need to pray for strength for the followers of Christ who are in worldly danger. And pray that the message of Christ still gets to those who need to hear it.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for this cushy, relatively easy Christian life you gave me. Please guide those who are being persecuted for you. Strengthen them and let them feel you working within them. Also, embolden those who want to know more to find the right believers and ask questions so their faith in you may grow. Thank you for those who came before me to make it so easy to be a believer where I am. And help me to do my part in keeping it that way here, and eliminate the danger elsewhere.


One response to “Is it dangerous for you to believe?”

  1. Good points!! I think we often take for granted our freedom of religion…and when I think of it being taken away, I just think about how my life would change drastically…I hope it never does, but we do not know the future.

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