Me? A prayer warrior?

A friend of mine just called to ask me to pray for her and some of her family members.

That was the whole purpose for her call.

I am so honored to be one that she called. No one has ever called me just for that purpose.

I am a regular gal who just happens to publish my thoughts and observations about God. But I am just a regular sinner, wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister… You get the picture. But she called me a prayer warrior. Me?

Yes, people have asked me to pray for them, their friends or family in a casual way.

But this was different. She called me just to ask me to pray. Wow. She sought me out. And she wants me to pray. And you better believe I already have and will continue to pray.

And an ironic thing to note: Just last  night I finally decided to write down just who and what I am praying about. I know, I’ve thought about it for years. But I’ve never really done it.

Perhaps God was getting me ready for my assignment.


As I was about to post my eyes fell on a note I have on my desk about a study on prayer my church is launching. I’ve been praying about whether or not I should make time to attend. Hmmm.

Perhaps my assignment is growing.



3 responses to “Me? A prayer warrior?”

  1. One of my goals is to become a better prayer warrior for my loved ones. I believe in the power of prayer, and it humbles me so much when my husband asks me, “Please pray for me today,” and then tells me later that evening, “I could tell you were praying for me because x,y, and z happened.” God is amazing!

  2. hey thanks for praying for my friend as well! :) It’s nice to know that people trust you with prayer!

  3. Yes! Once people around you see that you are being bold in your faith (like posting about it on your blog) they begin seeking you out for prayers, advice, etc…. Kinda makes me want to be in the Word even more :)

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