My Danish teenage daughter started American high school today…

Emma, our Danish daughter, just left for her first day of American high school.

She is not my daughter, and yet, she is.

I feel so excited for her, and yet have butterflies in my stomach, as I know she does, too.

When I walk my own children (ages 3, 6 and almost 8 years) to class, as I will do in a few days, I pray for them to have fun, listen to their teachers and enjoy learning. I pray that they will play nicely and that others will play nicely with them. I pray for them to enjoy (and eat) their lunches and other things like that.

Today I am praying for Emma along the same lines, but I am also praying for her safe arrival to and from school. I am praying that she remembers to take a deep breath and push past those butterflies when they are overtaking her. I am praying that God places wonderful friends in the form of peers, teachers and administrators in her path, and that she recognizes them as such.

Therese is a brave young woman.

She has traveled from across the globe to experience American high school. Our family is already blessed to know hers, and now we get to be her parents for a year and host her as she immerses herself in a different language (which she speaks very well, by the way) and a new culture, not only the American culture, but American teenage, high school culture.

Lord, please watch over and guide Emma today. Keep her path clear from evils and open to your blessings. It is comforting to know that you knew of this experience long ago and you already hand-picked her teachers and friends. Please guide her in finding those friends. Calm her fears when she gets nervous. Strengthen her when bad influences present themselves. Give her wisdom to make good, rich choices. And present her with opportunities which will bring her blessings.

Thank you for this opportunity for her and for our family. What a unique experience for all of us!

Guide us in making the most of this blessing. Thank you for orchestrating it many years ago, when my husband and her dad became friends in high school. I wonder who she will meet this year that may turn into a lifelong friend, as her dad and my husband have become. Thank you, Lord, for that friendship.

Thank you, Lord, for being the master planner.  I wonder what you have in mind for me to learn this year. Thank you for planning this adventure for all of us. Please strengthen me for what is to come and guide me in making the right choices along the way.

Thank you for your reassurance as I watched Emma walk out the door this morning. Help her to feel your reassurance all day and all school year.

And please, Lord, guide all the kids to play nicely… and help Emma to remember to eat her lunch. :)


4 responses to “My Danish teenage daughter started American high school today…”

  1. Vibeke Howes Avatar
    Vibeke Howes

    I´m in tears Amy !
    Love you our dearest friends!

    <3 Vibeke…Thereses real life mom :)

  2. What a wonderful experience. I will be praying for her as well. She is a very brave girl!
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..Productive Morning =-.

  3. Oh, Amy… I loved this entry. Thanks for sharing! She’s going to bring so many great things into your lives and you all will enrich her life as well. This is what life is about! I’m so excited for you and your family. What a wonderful, lifelong experience!

  4. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    You are a blessing to many people. I’m wishing only good things for Therese and the younger ones throughout their new school year.

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