National Day of Prayer: How can I pray for you?

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer and I’ve been wondering… How can I pray for you?

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve got plenty already in mind to pray about. But I’d love to pray for your needs, too.

Please feel free to leave a comment with a prayer request or send an email using the button on the top right of my blog for the more personal requests. I cannot guarantee that I will respond to every email and comment with an email. But I can promise that I will pray for each and every one of you who asks me to.

So… how can I pray for you?

It would be my honor to add your needs to my prayer lists.


9 responses to “National Day of Prayer: How can I pray for you?”

  1. Please say a prayer for me to find the wisdom and strength to make it through this tough financial time we’re going through. I’m also having a hard time finding my way back to the Lord. I’m trying to find a church for our family to go to. I need guidance! Thank you so much for your prayers. If there’s anything that you would like me to pray for for you please email me & let me know.

    .-= Hattie´s last blog ..Ouch! =-.

  2. I need prayer that I can get my budget under control this month. I am having trouble with over drafts at the bank. Everytime I think I have it all fixed another check comes in. This is the 3rd month this has happened. I am scared.
    .-= Trudy´s last blog ..Random Dozen – April 5, 2010 =-.

  3. I need your prayer for help to keep moving on. I’ve been unemployed and underemployed for 4 years and I’m about to loss my house in foreclosure. I’ve lived with depression most of my life but it is now crushing me. I’ve lost the will to keep trying and have nowhere left to turn. Pray for me to find the courage to keep going.

  4. I really need prayer for my family. God knows what our needs are. Thanks.

  5. vicki goodwill Avatar
    vicki goodwill

    I need pray for a condo that we have for sale in huddleston VA, will get an offer and sell swiftly and mightly. We are offering it as a short sale ith and agent. Of course there are hundreds of properties for sale, but we have faith. Thank you

  6. Amanda Avatar

    pray for me… God is telling me to end a friendship that is closer than a sister and I don’t even know how to begin doing so. I really love my friend, but God is telling me that I am missing His will by always focusing on her will. Thank you so much!

  7. Brett Avatar

    You can help call our nation to prayer by posting this prayer request to your blog’s side panel.



  8. This is a great idea! I think I will put it in my FB status to see what my FB friends need prayer for.

    I am rather new to your blog, so I know you don’t really “know” me well. But I started a jewelry making business at the beginning of this year, and I am also a stay-at-home mom. Would you pray for me and my little business? It was not even a planned venture, it just sort of popped up overnight. But I know that God has His hand on it since He is the one who brought it about without me even trying. I would love to see it grow and help pay off some debt and provide a little extra income for our family. And at the same time, I want to keep my priorities in balance between my duties as a wife and mommy, and with my new business.
    .-= Marcy´s last blog ..Made-by-me Monday! =-.

  9. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: How can I pray for you tomorrow during the National Day of Prayer? Pls let me know. #b90days […]

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