On the hunt for yummy and healthy foods

As you may know I (and probably about 1/3 of the rest of the country) am trying to eat healthier. There is nothing like a new year to inspire a fresh start. For real this time. I mean it.

So I posted on Twitter that I was looking for some yummy and healthy sweet snacking options and my Facebook page (which is linked to the Twitter account) is getting lots of great responses. (Why my twitter update did not show up here in my sidebar, I do not know. But that’s a different issue.)

Anyhow, I’m planning to compile a list of all those responses and research a few more and post them here so we can all have an easy spot to go to for ideas when we need a quick munch that won’t ruin our healthy eating pledges.

Do you have any ideas you’d like to share?  ‘Cause I really want to succeed this time. And I need some new ideas. And I know you people have good ones.

Tonight to get me going and keep my away from my children’s candy, I made a batch of those Weight Watcher chocolate muffins…

Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins (that don’t taste like pumpkin)

1 can pumpkin

1 box Devil’s Food cake mix

Combine and bake according to the package instructions.

DO NOT add anything to the mix even though it is super-thick and you think you should. Just the canned pumpkin and box mix and you’ll have 12 muffins… Don’t  eat them all at once or you’ll miss the point. One muffin is 3 WW points, btw. And I think they are quite good.

So while I was munching on a chocolate muffin, I decided to go through all those recipes I had thrown in a pile to go through later and I actually organized them while watching Steel Magnolias for the very first time.  (Yes, I know. I must be the last female in my age bracket to see it. I just knew it would be sad so I was never ready. But tonight was the night. And woah. What a movie. Woah.)

So I have had a very girlie night… eating chocolate, watching Steel Magnolias and organizing recipes. Did I ever think this would be my life? And that I would be so satisfied with myself in doing just that?

Wow. I’m really off subject here.

Here’s my point… I am so excited to finally have one binder of tried and true recipes and one of recipes to try.

And I’m in the process of putting together a go-to sheet of healthy snacks. I hope to get that up by mid-week so we can all benefit. In the meantime, though, if you have any ideas to share, PLEASE DO! I need/ want new simple ideas to satisfy my sweet tooth without ruining my new eating strategy. So if you can share something yummy, I’m counting on you. Comment away. And I’ll get them all together and create a pdf  of all our ideas that we can all print and put inside the pantry or on the ‘fridge to save us from ourselves.

So… what do you munch on to satisfy the snacking urge when you don’t want to blow the diet/ healthier eating lifestyle? Let us know!!



6 responses to “On the hunt for yummy and healthy foods”

  1. […] cupcakes and enjoy!Do you have any secret low-cal recipes to share?I’ve made super secret chocolate pumpkin muffins, that do not taste like pumpkin and are super moist and chocolatey.  And I think I’ll be […]

  2. OK those muffins sound awesome and…


    OK sorry for overreacting. :) It’s a rite of passage for Louisiana girls. Probably not as big of a deal in Texas. :)

  3. Oh, please do share you list! I am on a mission and determined to lose quite a bit this year (by the way, the exercises you posted awhile back are AWESOME, although not particularly easy – but I’m getting used to them.) :)

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting – the collages that I do are so easy; I use Picasa, and it pretty much does it all for you. If you don’t have that program, you can download it for free – I edit all my pictures using it.

  4. Oooh I am looking forward to your list! Thanks for being so willing to share! I have a little list on my blog, but it is not necessarily healthy. I know that people are often looking for new recipes to try, so I thought it would be fun to maintain a growing list of my own fav’s!

    As far as healthy snacks… my favorits is a little baggie of craisins mixed with walnuts. It is SO satisfying! (All that protein!) And low in calories. :) Also I like sugar free jello pudding cups, apples and PB, and a small salad!

    OH another goodie is chocolate wafers (like vanilla wafers) dipped in cool whip!

  5. I love to eat Jello fat free pudding or Jello sugar free pudding with fat free cool-whip. It’s a delicious low calorie treat that satisfies my sweet tooth.

  6. I am planning on going through all your archived recipes tonight when I make out my menu plan for the month. I need all the inspiration I can get!!

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