Proverbs 27: Tend to your fruit


In continuing my devotional time this month in Proverbs, today I read Proverbs 27. (If you are looking for a devotional, you are quite welcome to jump in and join me. Just read the chapter of Proverbs which corresponds with the date and, as you read, listen to what God is sharing with YOU for the day. I might be in the words of the reading, or it might be something else. But doing the reading will open your heart for His message.)

Since I jumped in this month, some days I’ve SOAP’ed what I’ve heard and some days I haven’t. Some days I’ve posted here, some days I’ve posted to Facebook, some days I’ve journaled in my own notebook and some days I’ve just let my thoughts wash over me undocumented.

Today here is what stood out to me.


Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit,

and he who guards his master will be honored.

-Proverbs 27:18


Bear with me, but I’m only going to address the first part here. Here’s what the first part says to me:

Whoever does the work, gains the benefits.


Procrastination and wanting to get things done will not enable me to enjoy the results I want. It takes dedicated work. Growing a fig tree doesn’t happen overnight. There are specific things which need to be done over time for fruit to grow.

I think I am working hard, and I am working hard, but I need to be sure I am doing the right things for my work to blossom. And then I need not just to think about them, but do them.

I’m not saying here that I am being a slacker, but I am saying that I need to be more focused and more productive. I can’t expect things to grow without me tending to them properly.


Lord, so often I feel overwhelmed. I want to do it all. I want my business to take off and I am overwhelmed, feeling like I am tending to that fig tree all the time. Please, Lord, show me what elements to focus on and which ones to let go. Show me how to tend to my fig tree in work, as well as my fig tree at home in the best ways. Help me to prune away what needs to go. Please, Lord, show me. Show me what to drop and what to do. You know the answers, Lord. I want my path to be the one you have set forth for me. Maybe the key to this lies in the second part of the verse– in guarding my master. Although I don’t think you need to be guarded. Perhaps you are telling me to guard me relationship with you.

Show me, Lord. Guide me, Lord.

I sure need your help.

Thank you.

Your response:

Are you reading with me? What did you hear? Please let me know in the comments and we’ll pray through this together.


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