Ground Up Athletics- a GREAT place to buy athletic shoes in North Houston

I just started the T-25 workout program and, after the first workout, knew that I needed to get a new pair of cross trainers. My old ones were, well, pretty old, and with all of that jumping, I wanted something that would give me the right support.

Enter Ground Up Athletics in North Houston…


From the moment I walked into the store, I had a great feeling about the place. I was greeted in a professional, friendly way right away by a gentleman named Kyle and when I told him that I needed a new pair of cross trainers, he invited me to take a seat and talk about what type of exercise I would be doing.

After chatting, he sized my feet, watched me walk and then walked me over to a computer with a sensor pad that I stepped onto in order for it to analyze my feet. (That’s the yellow thing in the photo above this.) This helped him to determine if I could benefit from a different arch support than what comes in the shoe. (Which I certainly could!)

Next, it was time to try on shoes.

I tried on several pairs in a variety of funky colors and landed on a great pair about two or three pairs into the task. They felt great right as I slipped them on my feet. It was kind of a Cinderella experience.

What I loved about the experience, though, was that Kyle listened to my needs, answered my questions and never felt pushy. Plus I was in and out of the store in less than 30 minutes. (I love efficiency!!)

Now, to be completely honest, I visited the store because a friend of mine owns it. I knew at some point I had to check it out and I am really glad that I did. I was a little nervous because, well, what if I hated it? What would I do then? But that was definitely not the case. Instead I texted about my great experience before I left the parking lot!!

When I went in, my friend was not there and I did not let on that I knew him until the very end, just before I left. Because of this, I have to believe that everyone gets the same professional, friendly treatment.

Also, you should know that this is not an inexpensive place to buy athletic shoes. But I’ve also learned from experience that so often you get what you pay for in athletic shoes. In the past I’ve bought my cross-trainers at Academy, thinking I could do well enough on my own, but I have to say that my new trainers fit me better than any athletic shoes I have ever bought– including my running shoes I bought at a running store which continue to give me blisters.  These new shoes have been put to use quite a bit without one blister. I am in love.

So, friends, if you are in North Houston and in need of new athletic shoes, swing by Ground Up Athletics in Vintage Park. I have no doubt you’ll have the same positive, professional experience I did. And don’t new shoes make you jump higher…or at least walk a little taller? I think mine are. :)

 Ground Up Athletics is located in the Vintage Park shopping center on Louetta near Hwy 249.  This is NOT a sponsored post.


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