Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 10, Proverbs 10: Doing the right thing pays off

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox
If you are reading with me, today we are on Proverbs 10. (I hope you ARE reading with me… and of course you are always invited to just jump right in if you’ve just discovered the plan… or even if you skipped a day or two.)

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 10

Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…

Scripture: Proverbs 10:9

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,

but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out


Do the right things and things will go well. Shortcuts and cheating will lead to trouble.


Doing the right thing, or the more thorough job is not always easy. In fact, it’s typically much more difficult than cutting corners and taking the easier route. In the end, though, those who take the time to do things right will be rewarded.

Building VineSleuth/ has not been easy. God has dropped fantastic introductions in my path and opened many doors for me. Each of those introductions and doors took work at some point in order to make each opportunity blossom.

It’s the same with parenting: Sure, it would be a lot easier to give in and not discipline my kids, or to do things for my kids rather than teach them. When I take the time to do the right thing, though, my path, and the benefits of it, are secure.


Thank you, Father, for this reminder that the right hard work pays off. Being diligent and doing the right thing completely often is not easy. As you know it is often really, really challenging. I appreciate this reminder that doing the right thing completely will lead to security. You are right here with me, cheering me on as I trudge up the hills, not cutting corners.

Thank you, Lord, for that.

Thank you for the opportunities and gifts you have given me, too. They are vast!  I’m actually pretty blown away sometimes, when I step back and see your hand in so many places.

Thank you for my husband who works right next to me.  He’s pretty awesome.

Thanks for this encouragement to keep up the good fight. I most certainly will. We certainly will.

In your Son’s precious name,


Here is what I have heard in the past when reading Proverbs this way and using SOAP:

Proverbs in 31 Days ebook

FREE Printable Resources:

What about you?

What did you hear today? Did the same verse stand out to you or was it something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, if you are up for it.


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