Proverbs SOAP: Don’t chase riches of the wrong kind

A Chapter of Proverbs a Day…

Scripture: Proverbs 23:4

Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.

Observation: Watch where you are placing your focus and be sure it is in the right places. Do not shoot for the wrong things and spread yourself too thin.

Application: This one leapt off the page at me, especially after my post last night about  revamping my blogging time and no longer writing when I could be spending time with my husband or family. God’s been talking to me about this one.

I don’t think this Proverb is just referring to being rich as in money, but to anything that could wear you out and take you away from what you should be focusing on. I have no ambition whatsoever for either of my blogs to ever generate revenue… but I still think this verse refers to my efforts toward them.

I need to be sure that I am not wearing myself out over the things which should be ancillary. I need to have the wisdom to show restraint and not wear myself out.

I like to stay busy. I like to pursue a lot of things. And I like to think I can do it all. But can I, really?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing me where I need to restructure my time and life.

Guide me in changing how and when I write so that I am still serving you and serving my family in the way you intend for me to do so.

Help me to make choices for my time that will be honoring you and not honoring just me.

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve you. And thank you, Lord for teaching me where and how to show restraint.


2 responses to “Proverbs SOAP: Don’t chase riches of the wrong kind”

  1. I have been turning my computer completely OFF lately. It has been so hard – there are so many comments I want to reply to and visit back to their blogs… let alone a full reader… *sigh*

    But like you said – “revamping my blogging time and no longer writing when I could be spending time with my husband or family”

    Keeping blogging and life in balance is something we all need to keep in a healthy perspective! Bravo that you can be honest and objective about yourself!
    .-= Ann Marie @ Household6Diva´s last blog ..Love Letters from Iraq – the one that started it all =-.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: Don't chase riches of the wrong kind. I was becoming guilty of it… (Proverbs SOAP is up) […]

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