Proverbs SOAP: Seek His wisdom as a buried treasure

A Chapter of Proverbs a Day…

Today, read chapter two of the Proverbs.

As you read, really try to listen to God and pick out just one verse you think He might be asking you to really hear. So many of the verses go together, but see if you can narrow it down to just one and then use the SOAP method to dig deeper into it.

Here is what I heard:

Scripture: Proverbs 2:4

and if you look for it as silver

and search for it as hidden treasure

Observation: The verses before and after this one refers ways to grow in wisdom from the Lord.

I feel like here, God is reminding me that seeking and following His wisdom may not be easy, but it is definitely a worthwhile pursuit.

Application: I need to search diligently.

I cannot expect that true wisdom will come easy. I must search for it and not give up. I must dedicate  myself to the challenge rather than just scratching the surface and hoping it will come.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to learn how to hear you better. In some areas I feel as though I have been seeking without finding that treasure and I’m getting frustrated. Guide me please. And thank you for this gentle reminder to not give up, this reminder that I am seeking a beautiful treasure in your wisdom. You are there and you will guide me. I just have to keep searching, digging deeper and remaining diligent as I get closer to that buried treasure.

What verses did you find that spoke to you the loudest? Please consider clicking through and sharing in the comments.


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