Psalm 31: Even when you may think He’s not, He’s there


I feel very close to God right now. I see His gifts and am reminded of His words to me frequently. I am thankful for His guidance and am overjoyed by the doors He has opened for me.

There have been times, though, that I felt I was crying out and not being heard. But I was. Today’s reading reminded me of that.

Here’s what I heard in Psalm 31:

Scripture: Psalm 31: 21-22

Blessed be the Lord,

for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me

when I was in a besieged city.

I had said in my alarm

“I am cut off in your sight.”

But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy

when I cried to you for help.


He has been merciful and faithful, listening to my cries always, even when I wasn’t sure He was listening.


As I said above, lately I have felt very close to God and have felt favor from Him. The last few weeks have been especially amazing as I have seen how He has been guiding me and setting amazing things in motion. It’s been really fantastic to see him, undeniably, in so many moments.

There have been times, however, that I felt more alone than I do now. There have been times that I felt I was in that ‘besieged city’ of motherhood or of entrepreneurship and was lost, not knowing what to do. I plugged on. I kept going. I kept calling out to Him, even though I wasn’t getting the joy I wanted.

And you know what? He was right there, helping me to fight the fights that needed to be fought. He was helping me to be persistent and do what needed to be done. He was always right there with me, listening to my cries for help and equipping me with what I needed. He will continue to do that, should I just seek Him, ask Him and follow Him. I can surely see that. And I hope you can, too.



Thank you so much for showing me love, guidance and favor. I thank you for hearing my cries of joy just as much as you hear my cries of exasperation. Thank you for responding to all of them. You really are always here with me. Thank you for that.

Please, Father, help those that feel lost and sad and perhaps think they are cut off from your sight to persist in calling out to you. Please give them the encouragement that You are there, listening, guiding, even when it may appear you are not. Help all who seek you to hear you. And help all who are lost to want to seek you. Use me as you see fit in that regard. You have blessed me beyond measure. I want others to experience that in their lives, as well, because are amazing.

Thank you, Father.

In Jesus’ name,



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