Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:12

And may the Lord make your love grow and overflow to each other and to everyone else, just as our love overflows toward you.

Observation: With God’s guidance, your love can grow to immeasurable qualities that you can share with all around you.

Application: I want to be a love tsunami.

I want my love for God to be so apparent to those around me that it spills over and sweeps everyone into it. I want it to be so strong that it overpowers everyone in my path and turns them to Jesus.

But that’s not the way it is right now.

I’m pretty open here, in writing about my relationship with God, but I don’t know that I talk about it out loud often enough. And, more often than I like, I can spread irritation rather than love to those around me.

Yesterday I let my irritation with someone spill out of me. And even as I did it, I knew it was wrong.

I want to ooze happiness and love, not irritation.

And I believe this is a choice I can and should make.

I have Jesus in my heart. More often I need to act in ways that let him shine. I need to act in more ways that show my appreciation for Him.

And I need to beat the enemy out of me.

I want to overflow with love and drown out the bad stuff, and just share the good stuff. I want to my kids (And all those around me) to see this and feel loved not only by me, but know my love is motivated by Christ’s love for me.

I have got to make some changes.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your forgiveness for my missteps yesterday, including the one where I let evil spill out of me.

Kick that evil out of there, please.

Guide me in making changes and focusing on you, not the evil around me.

Guide me in overflowing with love and thankfulness for you. And enable me to be bold. I want your presence in me to be evident. And I want to honor you, the almighty Creator, the truest lover of me there is, the gentle, kind and forgiving being you are.

Thank you for your promise to never let me down. Empower me as I strive to do the same for you. And again, thank you for your forgiveness when I stumble, and your encouragement to keep on trying. I love you.


One response to “SOAP: A love tsunami”

  1. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    I’m going to go out on a limb here… I think some Christians let too much out there and they are overbearing and pushy. I think (just me) that … having a quiet conversation and explaining and helping people understand the word of God and trying to set an example is far better than being LOUD and “in your face”. To me you have set an excellent example of a true Christian, after all, who is the only perfect one… not us.

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