SOAP: Prayer for my husband to seek His guidance

Scripture: Psalm 128:1

Blessed are all who fear the Lord,

who walk in his ways

Observation: Good things will come to those who seek out the Lord’s will and follow it

Application: This comes from Chapter 23 of The Power of a Praying Wife where we are praying for our husband’s walk.

I know it is difficult for me to sift through all the things I ‘need’ to do and do the most important ones, the ones inspired by God or those which would bring Him the most glory. I hope that my husband hears God’s direction in determining his ways so that he can keep from being overwhelmed and make good choices on his daily path.

Prayer: Lord, please guide G in seeking you. It is my prayer that he calls on you for guidance in ordering his priorities and seeks your will throughout his day.

Please, Lord, enable him to hear you whispering in his ear. Make it undeniably your voice so he will always know whom to follow and not be led astray.

Thank you for your gentle guidance.


One response to “SOAP: Prayer for my husband to seek His guidance”

  1. I’ve just started reading The Power of a Praying Wife-and I love it! amazing how I’d never heard of it until a few weeks ago, and now everywhere I turn, it comes up. :)
    .-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Menu Plan: Week of Sept.13th-Sept.19th =-.

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