SOAP: Talking about money

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17

Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.

Observation: God wants us to trust in Him alone, and he will provide all we need… even what we need for enjoyment.

Application: Satan makes it so easy to get caught up in the quantity game when it comes to money and toys. I think he causes us to twist God’s words so we get caught up in it even more, judging those poorly that have a lot (Their focus must not be on God.) and those that do not have much (They must deserve their situation.)

Don’t let Satan get a hold of your thoughts.

Paul doesn’t say whether you should have a lot or little. That is not the point.

He does discuss a love of money though.

Focusing on money (and other worldly success) is bad and leads to destruction. Focusing on the love of Christ leads to life. And if you are focusing on that love, don’t you think you’ll be motivated to make the right choices? And don’t you think joy will follow in knowing your focus is in the right place?

It’s okay to own money… even way more than you need. But it isn’t okay to let money drive your decisions. God will give you all you need. Here it even says he will provide all we need for our enjoyment.

So stop judging and worrying about being judged when it comes to money and status.

The ultimate judge loves you, wants to be with you and will give you all you really need. Just listen to Him and get close. He wants you.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reminder today. Money can get in the way of so much: both when you feel you have a lot and when you feel you have too little. Please guide all of us to stop thinking about that so much and think about YOU. Keep us from judging anyone in any way (and even ourselves) because of our finances.

And guide us to focus instead on the ultimate treasure: eternal life with you.

Thank you, Lord.


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