The applebutter adventure continues…

After nearly three days of simmering, my applebutter is finally ready for canning!

Here’s what has happenned since my last post: (I know the anticipation must be getting to you. I mean, this is crazy exciting stuff. Okay, maybe not THAT exciting.)

Yesterday I continued simmering the applebutter (yes, that was day 2) in the slowcooker and intrigued my sister in law, The Happy Housewife, who started calling for updates. (I am not kidding. She has called several times throughout this saga. It’s nice to have her cheering for me. And I think she is additionally entertained by the fact that I, one who is not completely domestic, have made such a jump into the kitchen world. She asked me several times why I decided to make all the applebutter rather than just go but some. I told her I wanted to try out the new adventure.)

Anyhow, as the evening grew later we discussed the applebutter situation and decided it needed to simmer with the top off so all the steam could escape. I placed towels all around the crockpot and called it a night, leaving the brew a bubbling.

Going to bed with the Crockpot on made me a little nervous. But I was determined to get the applebutter done. And I learned that one of my mom’s friends is a home-ec teacher and that’s how she does it with her class (yes slowcookers on overnight). So, I decided to keep simmering.

This morning I was delighted to find a much-reduced cauldron. I mean crockpot.


As the day continued, the applebutter continued reducing.

At about 1:15 this afternoon I decided to use the mixer to smooth it out a bit.

making it smoother

Then I simmered about one more hour, until it finally reached the right beautiful applebutter consistency.bubbling applebutter

I stirred it up a bit and tasted victory… and it’s pretty yummy!

But with all this applebutter you know this adventure cannot be over yet. Tune in next time for Amy’s first canning adventure….

Sorry to leave you hanging… I’ve got to stop blogging and head out for a grownup dinner.


3 responses to “The applebutter adventure continues…”

  1. Yum, sounds fantastic!! I think we will try this next year…I made a bunch of applesauce this year, and we have a pantry full of applebutter because my grandpa went a bit overboard buying it ;)jj

  2. Wow now that’s what I called determined :)

  3. Oh my gosh that look SOOOO good!

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