Thinking of hosting the Bible in 90 Days Online?

Are you considering hosting the Bible in 90 Days read-through on your own blog or Facebook page?

As I shared last week, I will not be hosting the same mentor groups to read through the Bible in 90 Days Online in Spring 2012 as I have in the past. Instead, I am encouraging other Bible in 90 Days grads to host the read-throughs on their own sites. I will provide links to resources for leaders and readers and, beginning Monday, December 12,  I will post a list of bloggers hosting the read-through on their own sites.

Here are few requirements for hosting the Bible in 90 Days Online via MomsToolbox:

Be a Bible in 90 Days graduate. I feel this is just too much responsibility to take on if you haven’t yet been through the program. The reading alone is an hour or more a day. Hosting takes much more time beyond that.

Have the time and commitment to communicate with your group. Hosts do not have to post about the reading or the challenge every day, but they must post in some regular fashion so the group knows what to expect. They must also communicate with those they are leading via email or another way so the readers feel connected to the leader.

Offer and enforce accountability. You must offer some way for readers to report back to you regularly if they are up to date or not. I suggest posting a weekly check in post where readers must comment as to whether they are up to date or not. Accountability is critical to the success of the program. Be prepared to be firm.

Enforce the policy that this is a READING plan, not a study plan or a listening plan. All participants must do the reading for themselves. They may listen while they read, but not listen in lieu of reading. If your participants are unable to read, this program is not for them.

Hosts are NOT expected to interpret scripture for the readers, and are asked not to do so. Of course you may post your own thoughts, but encourage your readers to listen to what they are hearing rather than rely on what you hear.

Anyone who is reading may post about the reading on their own blog, Facebook page, Twitter feed or email list. Hosts may offer the option of readers linking up posts and the like to their blog pages or Facebook pages, so please do not think you must host to blog about the experience.

If you are hosting a group, please visit MomsToolbox beginning December 12, look for the Bible in 90 Days Online List post and enter your site address and start date in the linky there so that others can visit your site and see which site best fits them to join in the reading. The linky must link directly to a post on your site about the read through including: (Links not going to specific posts and not including the following will be deleted.)

  1. the start date
  2. why you are hosting the Bible in 90 Days Online
  3. how you intend to manage accountability and encouragement on your site

Group leaders may close their groups if they are growing too large. It is best if you don’t allow more people to join your list than you can effectively encourage and track. If your group is at capacity, let me know and I will indicate that on the linky post.

I cannot wait to see who will be hosting and whose lives you will be impacting in this new format. I am thrilled for our new leaders and for our new readers.

Get those posts ready!

And please pray for our potential readers and leaders. It’s gonna be a great spring!



One response to “Thinking of hosting the Bible in 90 Days Online?”

  1. Yasmin Alberto Avatar
    Yasmin Alberto

    Oh, I was sooo ready to host a group! But at any rate, I’m super excited to be a part of any group and can’t wait to be a graduate of this program! If you find you need someone to host another group because the current groups are too full – don’t hesitate to reach out to me! My daughters are joining me at home, so I will be “hosting” it for them anyway! God bless!!

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