Today’s #Gifts (5/19/2104)

It amazes me the gifts I receive from our Father every single day. Every day is not perfect (in my eyes) and yet daily He reminds me that He loves me– in big and little ways.
Here are a few gifts from today:


Did you see all of that room? On my flight home from Italy today I was gifted with an empty seat next to me. After many late (and productive) nights on my business trip, I was quite exhausted, so to have some extra space to stretch out and sleep was a delightful, unexpected gift. (On my flight out I had a delightful seat mate– so it’s not always an empty seat that is best, either.)

Then, my flight landed earlier than scheduled, so I was able to pick up my kids from school on time. I loved seeing them right away, getting sweet, sweet reunion hugs and yes, one of my boys even held my hand in the car for part of the drive home. That is definitely a gift!

Coming home to a house mostly in order and school things tended to made me really appreciate the gift of my husband. He’s a great dad and teammate. I really appreciate how he kept things rolling while I was away from home.

These are a few of the gifts I noticed from today— although I know there were many more. Breathing, a home, food, salvation, these are all gifts, too. And they are important. I’m working to identify and share the others– those gifts others might call coincidence, but I know are not. They are smiles and gifts from God. For them, I am also truly thankful.

What about you? Do you care to share a few of the gifts you received today? I’d love to read about them in the comments and rejoice with you.


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