Bible in 90 Days: Day 8/ Week 2 Check In

Welcome Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days participants! I am thrilled that you decided to join us in reading every word of the Bible between now and October 5.

If you are up to date, you should have read to page 96 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible or to Leviticus 14:32.

At the end of this post I will invite to share your progress with us. Please leave a comment letting us know where you are in the reading, whether you are caught up, racing to catch up or even feeling a bit frustrated. For more on check-in posts, please see this post. Bloggers, you are invited to share your progress with a comment or a link to your own blog post in the linky.

Now, on to a a message from Ted Cooper, who created the Bible in 90 Days program after reading the Bible in 90 Days himself and becoming a Christian as a result…

How exciting is this? Amy reports that over 500 of you are joining in reading the entire Bible this summer. Imagine how each of you will be impacted… and how then you will be able to impact your family, friends and churches.

What you are doing is simple, in concept: reading God’s Word… all of it… from cover to cover… like we do a novel.

It is the bestselling book EVER. So it makes sense for us to read it. And, it seems very likely that the Author meant for us to experience ALL of it – not just bits and pieces of it.

So, congratulations for finding this online community, a group with which to share this foundational experience.

As you progress along this journey, please know that our ministry is here to support you throughout, both with FREE resources and others that are LOW COST.

You see, Bible in 90 Days is a ministry that is determined to help people read – attentively – every word of the Bible. And, so far we’ve helped churches, organizations, small groups and individuals in 49 states and 16 countries do just that.

Here are just some of the FREE ways we can help you:

* B90 Daily Message – A daily email is sent to you during the reading period to keeps you on track with: the reading schedule, words of encouragements, verses to ponder, community resources and more. Sign up:

Listen While You Read – Having the Scriptures read to you while you follow along in the Bible is a rich multi-sensory experience. For those of us who are slow readers — or tend to backtrack when reading — it also helps us maintain a steady pace. Sign up:

IMPORTANT: You can hear Jack Modesett’s weekly lessons from the Listen While You Read section. You’ll be glad you listened.

* B90 Message Forums (Brand New)– Tell us what YOU think about your reading, as you HELP US inaugurate this new feature on our site. You might even want to become one of our volunteer moderators. Sign up: ·

Here are some LOW COST ways we can help:

The Bible in 90 Days Bible – There are many good Bibles out there; you may even have several on your bookshelf. But MOST of them are NOT well suited to reading from cover to cover in 90 days. Often, the print is too small… or the translation is wonderful in small doses (but not large)… or there are great sidebars and footnotes that detract from the reading. We strongly encourage you to use the B90 Bible on your journey. If cost is the issue, please apply for a scholarship from us. We are a tiny ministry, but we want you to have a great experience journeying through God’s Word.

The Bible in 90 Days Leader’s Kit – Our curriculum and resources have helped groups as small as TWO people to more than 1000 people read the entire Bible in community. The Leader’s Kit includes: The Leader’s Guide, weekly lessons on DVDs, The Participant’s GuideThe Essential Bible Companion, the Bible, and additional resources to help you market the course within your church or community. The curriculum is designed so that leaders need only FACILITATE. No knowledge of the Bible is necessary (though it is certainly welcome).

Finally, if there’s something that can help you on this journey that we aren’t yet supplying, please let us know. We want to help as many people as possible have this foundational Christian experience.

Okay, readers, let us know how you are doing! We want to pray for you! If you are participating in the linky, don’t forget to link back to this post in your own post so your readers can read more about the program.

And don’t forget to join us tonight on Twitter from 8-9 CST using the #B90Days hashtag.

The linky and comments will close at 2 a.m. Monday night/Tuesday morning.


169 responses to “Bible in 90 Days: Day 8/ Week 2 Check In”

  1. I just finished today’s reading which brings me up to date. I’m really struggling to keep up. I had wanted to read ahead because of our up coming vacation, but that’s not happening. This is becoming as much a mental discipline as it is a spiritual. Pray that God will grant me the desire to read & understand His word. Pray that I can reign in my thoughts & focus on the scripture.
    In Christ,

  2. Hi ya´ll! I am beat. had a week of camp and was doing well reading but now that I am back I seem to be falling asleep so much. Please pray for me that I can get my reading in. I divided my bible into 90 days so I am a bit behind ya´ll. Reading Exodus still.

    Hope to come on here tomorrow to read all your comments.

    thanks for the encouragement!
    Dani Joy

  3. I am on schedule and looking forward to tonight’s chat.
    I am absolutely enjoying this experience. I look forward to the journey ahead.

  4. Whew! I got behind this weekend with so much LIFE going on…but I turned off the twitter/facebook/blogging/computer/tv today and got caught up to Lev 14. So at this point I am right on target for today as long as I finish those first 32 verses in chapter 14 tonight.

    The second of half of Exodus was definitely more challenging than Genesis, but I know that each verse is important.

  5. I am caught up and loving it!!

  6. Julie Young Avatar
    Julie Young

    Hello all! I am trying to get todays reading done and then I will be up to date. I am trying to be done by tonights twitter party!!

  7. I stopped in the middle of Exodus due to some family problems, but started with Leviticus today, and will continue to read and get caught up with Exodus as soon as possible. I want to fight for this.

  8. Erin G Avatar
    Erin G

    I’m right on track!

  9. I’m not caught up yet– I joined a few days late and am still playing a bit of catch up– just about 1/2 of a day behind– will hopefully get on track tonight!

  10. Just finished day 8! Love it!

  11. I’m caught up!! I’m really enjoying reading through my Bible right now. One thing that has been running through my mind as I’ve been reading through Exodus and Leviticus is all of the processes that God put in place so that people could approach Him. And yet, when Jesus came into the world and died for our sins, he became our sacrifice and the bridge to God. I love it! SO happy to be reading, even if it can be dry at times!!

  12. Ginger Avatar

    I am halfway done with today’s reading. At first it seemed like a lot to read but now it goes by really quickly. What a great story! I have been reading the Bible for 30 years and it has never unfolded for me like this!

  13. Still need to get through the last four chapters of Exodus before doing today’s reading. I need to get ahead again during the week because I have a harder time getting the reading done on the weekend.

  14. Vicki S Avatar
    Vicki S

    Well I’m a day behind. So not bad. Life tried to get in the way around thursday and I’ve been playing catchup since then. I would like to start journaling with it. So maybe I’ll do that this week.

  15. Alison Avatar

    Will be caught up by tonight!!

  16. getting behind, i think i’m like day 4 or 5 now… I had the time when i started, and then i was asked to fill in at a vet hospital and somehow that is sucking up all my time that i need for this reading, and for all my other jobs and my schoolwork and everything else….. but i will get this done, maybe the kindle has to go everywhere with me…… i was drawn to this for a reason… i know that.

  17. Lowbudget Avatar

    I just got the Bible in 90 Days from our local library. I am reading to get caught up by this weekend. I am enjoying Gods word and have found the Bible to be so interesting yet a little complicated to understand some parts. Please pray for me as I will for all of you on our journey to read this great book from cover to cover.

  18. I was a day ahead all the way up until yesterday. And enjoying every moment of it. I had a really rough night the other night, so my wonderful husband’s been letting me catch up on sleep. But since I was a day ahead, I’m not really behind … just haven’t done today’s reading yet lol

    I could definitely use some prayer, though … Leviticus and Deuteronomy are two books I really struggle to get through.

  19. Anna B Avatar
    Anna B

    I’m caught up! Like many people, I found the weekends to be very challenging. I need to make sure I set a certain time (right after getting home on Sunday afternoon, etc) to read so I have a routine and don’t get caught reading until late at night! :-)

    Lev is hard! So repetitive. Arg. :-)

  20. I can’t believe I am completely on track and done with today’s readings. I really didn’t think I would keep on track but am so excited that I am!

  21. I’m on track! So far, so good!

  22. Crystal Avatar

    Last week was kind of crazy for our family so I am about 2 days behind in my reading. I have to say that even though I am behind, I still managed to do SOME reading in the midst of the craziness … which is a big accomplishment for me. Currently I am attending National Conference in Chicago. I brought my Bible with me and so far I have managed to do some reading here as well. Yay me!

  23. Just finished my reading for today! I’m am completely caught up. Horrah! Very thankful for my husband’s support in this endeavor (he often gives me a few extra minutes to read in the mornings while he deals with the kids, etc).

  24. Hubby and I are doing this together and we are now a little bit behind. We have family staying with us and are having trouble finding the time to read haha. But we are excited and motivated to catch up quick :)

  25. I’m a little behind, but hope to catch up today and tomorrow. Still hanging in there and looking forward to the rest!

  26. Christin Avatar

    Technically, I am up to date, since today isn’t over yet. :) I still have today’s reading to complete, but it will get completed. I’m actually going to begin a couple of chapters now.

    Thus far, it has been a real awesome blessing. I do have to be careful not to read too late into the evening because I will drift off. I can’t read early in the morning either, for the same reason.

    But I have read every day on the allocated day and my husband has been reading with me, as a support and encouragement! :) He keeps me going and I appreciate him so much!

    This week will be challenging…reading 3 challenging books!

  27. I still need to read today’s reading and will do so tonight. Otherwise, I am on track!

  28. Tabatha Avatar

    I’m currently at the beginning of Leviticus and plan to at least get to Chapter 14 if not further. Typically what I’m finding is that once I start reading it I end up reading way more than I need to and then the next day I seem to get overly busy and don’t get the chance to read it, but I’m always right where I need to be. I’ve been praying for guidance (and strength to get through the “not so interesting” parts) through this journey and so far I feel fabulous about the whole thing. I’ve tried other journeys on my own to read the Bible in 90 days or a year but have never made it even this far. This site is truly a blessing in helping further my journey to be closer to Him. :-)

  29. I will do today’s reading this evening after work. Did yesterday’s this morning. Will have to work on doing better during the weekends. But am really enjoying reading at this pace and seeing so much more of God’s word as a whole.

  30. I can’t believe today is already day 8! I am very proud/happy to say I have been faithful with my reading and I’m all the way through day 1-8’s reading for these 90 days. I’ve been writing the verses down each day that touch me or relate to something currently going on in my life each day in a tiny note book that fits in my purse.

    In just a week of this journey I am already feeling the pull it’s having on my life. Things that I have been putting on the back burner are being dug up and I’m reassessing what is truly important in my life.

    Thank you so much for putting this challenge together! I’m looking forward to the twitter chat tonight!

  31. jeanine Avatar

    well i am 1 day behind. not so bad for the fact that last week and the weekend centered around my youngest daughter’s first birthday :) i am looking to catch up today.

    one thing i am finding is once i actually sit down and start my reading, i get so into it. and i’m learning new things! even though i have read all this before. God’s word truely is living. it means different things personally to you depending on when you read it. the Lord meets you where you are. i am really being blessed by this. thanks so much!!

  32. It was a tough weekend for me (bad headaches that prevented me from doing much of anything, except sleep) — and am as of right now 3 days behind. Going to work to catch up a little tonight. Hoping to join in on the twitter gathering for encouragement.

  33. woohoo! this is the highlight of my summer! thanks for hosting.


  34. Amanda Avatar

    So I’m definitely not caught up, but I’m trying! It’s been a tough week in my family, but I’m praying that I would not get discouraged and press on .

  35. […] Monday, I joined with hundreds of other Christians in an attempt to read the entire Bible in only three months – 90 days of reading large sections of the Scriptures each day. I’m happy to report I am […]

  36. Up to date, and posted my blog link, #31.

  37. Jennifer Avatar

    I am up to date! Just getting ready to do todays reading now that I have all 3 children down for a nap! I admit, this weekend was a struggle for me, but I managed to get through it and stay caught up! I am really enjoying reading it through so quickly so far!

  38. up to date and checking in… this is exhausting though :)

  39. Leigh Anne Avatar
    Leigh Anne

    I’m loving this! I’m a day behind, but I plan on catching up this week!!

  40. Chrissy Avatar

    I’m up to date on my reading, woo hoo! I thought I’d never get through it this morning! My big take-away today is just how significant the sacrifice is that Jesus made for us. I never knew just how much the Isrealites had to do to be “right/clean” in the LORD’S eyes! I also felt so Blessed to read God’s words. When I read about the LORD speaking directly to Moses then to Aaron, I feel goose bumps like I’m hearing Him myself. I can’t describe it but what a Blessing!
    In Christ!

  41. I am up to date in my reading. Today I started Leviticus. I guess what has spoken to me in reading this is how all of the sacrafices had a purpose. The sacrifices were meant for woeship and the forgiveness of sins. When Jesus came His blood was shed on the Cross so that we would no longer need to offer bloody sacrifices.
    I think that sometimes because we don’t really have “rituals” we tend to take so much of our rich Christian heritage for granted. It is a reminder to me how I must prepare my heart for worship when I go to church and also prepare myself daily as I sit to read God’s Word.

  42. I am on track, and finished Day #8. No blog post this week. Praying for each and every one of you involved in the Challenge — Amy, mentors, and readers.

  43. Adrienne Avatar

    I just finished Exodus so I’m a day behind but I’m hoping to have a chance to catch up tonight after the kiddo goes to bed. I had an easier time reading the Bible like a novel back in Genesis when it was mostly stories than I am now when it is all laws and regulations. I think this week will be challenging.

  44. I am up to date, so far so good!

  45. Well, just finished up Exodus yesterday, and I had a LOT of questions… God seems like a very different God that in the New TEstament, but my husband and I were talking and maybe God in the Old TEstament is just more who God the Father is and not God the Son…??? I am so excited that I actually followed through with the first week of reading and can’t wait to challenge myself to continue….kids crying, have to go!!

  46. Malisa P. Avatar
    Malisa P.

    Hi there! I just got back from a weekend trip and my new Bible in 90 Days was at my doorstep. I am behind, but excited and encouraged to try and catch up. Thank you for this awesome experience.

  47. I am current up to yesterday’s reading. I am headed outside in a few minutes to enjoy some sunshine and today’s reading!

  48. Melissa Avatar

    I’m a little behind but think I can catch up today. I’m on day 7. Trying to catch up on yesterday’s reading and today’s.

  49. Jessica Avatar

    I am caught up. I have to read today’s reading, but I like to read at night. I am actually past the point where I quit reading those couples of times I tried to read the Bible before, so I am excited. Thinking back, I tried to read the Bible in a year and failed, so this seems pretty crazy that I could do it in 90 days, but I know it is so possible. I love to read and this is one book everyone should read!

  50. Jaycelyn Avatar

    I’m part of the way through today’s reading and hope to finish up this afternoon. May God do a wonderful work of transformation in our lives through His powerful word (Hebrews 4:12).