Bible in 90 Days Week 11/ Day 71 Check-in

Today is Day 71 of the Bible in 90 Days!

By the time your head hits the pillow tonight, you should have read through Mark 9:13 to be completely up to date.

This week I had to share a little inspiration from one of our fellow readers, Shannon Dias…

Just a little bit behind but will be back on track by tomorrow. I cannot believe how much of the Bible I have read!!! It is absolutely amazing and this is such a long awaited goal that I have now almost accomplished! Praise God!!! I must say that to read the Bible from cover to cover is a life experience that is absolutely remarkable and overwhelmingly rewarding. The entire Bible and God’s Word takes on a whole new meaning when one takes the time to read through it in the order that it is written rather than by one selected book or story at a time. I cannot thank Amy enough for this extraordinary opportunity to fulfill such a life changing and blessed experience with so many wonderful people sharing the journey. And, as always, thanks to God for leading me here to fulfill this goal in which to draw me even closer to Him and His Word.

I would also like to take the time to share that I am the first in many generations within my family lineage to actually read the Bible and to do so from cover to cover. Praise God, through Him and His Word, our family lineage will never be the same again and it all starts with just one person. Through this triumph of God’s glorious generational changes and blessings, understandably, life may try to interfere and throw us many obstacles while choosing to remain faithful to God, especially after so many previous generations did not. However, I am blessed knowing that my children, and future generations that I may never meet, will be able to receive the blessings and inherit the kingdom of the Lord because they learned wholeheartedly to trust and rely upon Him and their faith instead.

To all of my fellow Bible readers: I pray that each one of you fulfill this task that we all set out to accomplish together and that we each come to know God more intimately in our every day lives through our faithfulness and patience within ourselves to press forward to read His entire Word regardless of where we are in the reading. The goal is within sight, and God and our relationship with Him, is worth every minute of our reading and faithfulness to see this through…just as God continues to always be faithful to each of us! Thanks for your prayers and I will be praying for each of you as we press forward continuing along our journey together!

Abundant Blessings!

I love receiving inspiring notes like that one from Shannon.. I hope you enjoyed it, as well.

Okay, check in time…

For those of you who are up to date (or close) how does it feel to be in the New Testament? And for those who have read the Gospels before this and are up to date, is reading them this time different?

And, for all of you, how is your reading coming this week? Are you on track?

Link up, leave a comment and let us know. Then join us on Twitter tonight from 8-9 CST using the #B90Days hashtag.

(If you are linking a post, please be sure to link directly to the post and not your homepage. Also, please link back to this post directly from the post on your site and also leave a comment here. Leaving a comment helps me to better keep track of everyone. Thanks!!)

I promise to pray for each commenter individually. Would you please also pick a few commenters to pray for, as well?

Keep up your reading, no matter where you are. I am thrilled that you are reading with us!!

And stay tuned if you want to learn about the next session or help with the next session… I think it is going to start much sooner than I originally thought!


81 responses to “Bible in 90 Days Week 11/ Day 71 Check-in”

  1. I’m sad to say, I got behind. Hopefully I’ll get caught up soon. Sorry, to check in late again. With kids, house, homeschool….

  2. Still very far behind. I need to double my reading everyday so I can finish on time.

    I enjoy reading God’s word and excited with the changes God is doing in my life.

  3. I have read through day 75. Reading the NT right after the OT is great for my comprehension. I can remember references to the OT. Reading the Gospels so quickly, sometimes I wonder, did I just read this (in a different book)? Loving this read through as much as I did in the winter read.

  4. i caught up and enjoying the new testament a hole lot better than the old testement.

  5. Hi! Thanks for the reminder to check in. I’m amazed to be 4 days ahead – finished day 75 before the tweet-up and I hope to finish the book of John before bed. I’m loving this, and hope to finish early so I can have a tiny break before, perhaps, diving in again starting in October, joined by a few of my children!

  6. Still behind – by about 20 days actually – but not giving up. I’m pushing ahead and continuing to work on catching up and even finishing on time.

  7. WAY behind but not quitting! Trying to find a way to fit more reading in my day!

  8. I’m here and I’m happy to report that I’m not falling further behind :). I’m actually starting to catch up! I’ve got to do two days reading each day in order to finish on time but I still have faith that I will make it with the rest of you.

  9. I’m way behind, I doubt that I will finish in the 90-day time line, but I WILL keep reading and finish!

  10. I have to finish today’s reading but I am up to date and loving it! A little over 2 weeks to finish – can’t believe it. I have to admit I was thrilled to be in the NT and then to read all of the prophesy that Jesus fulfilled and remember the prophesy felt truly amazing!

  11. Hi! This is the first time I am having to write this, but I am a little behind. I am not sure how much – about 3 days, but nothing that can’t be made up by the end of the weekend. I am still planning to finish on time. This has been an amazing, life-changing experience for me. Thank you!!!!

  12. Hello, I was in the tweetup tonight. Enjoyed it. I am in amazement that I am not only caught up but ahead 2 days. I want to thank everyone and Amy for praying for me. There are some distinct times I felt covered in prayers to push through and read read read! Praying for everyone!!

  13. I am starting today’s but may have to finish it tomorrow. Family dinner tonight went a little long. I cannot believe how far we have came with our reading. The NT takes on a different perspective when you have just finished reading all of the prophets and their visions of the coming Messiah. I am so thankful that I started this with all of you. I pray we all finish strong!

  14. I am just a couple of days behind after reading several days worth today! Just a tiny bit of reading until the New Testament and I am really excited to get started on it. I took a much needed break from reading last week to read an inspirational fiction book, and I think that I will be on track again soon. The new testament will be all new to me, as I have only read some portions here and there. It’s amazing to see how little we have left!!

  15. I’m three days behind but slowly catching up. I was SO excited to finish the Old Testament this afternoon and am now reading Matthew. It’s definitely a different perspective on the NT than I’ve ever had and I really like it. I am considering doing this again next time around (though I had thought that would be in January so now I’m curious….) I have some friends who want to join me when i do it again so that’s really exciting! :)

  16. I am still behind, still reading, still catching up, still committed to finishing on time. I have been able to read during blocks of time when children are in school this week. And today, I figured out that I am reading about 45 pages in the 2 hours of uninterrupted time. So, still catching up!
    To your success,
    Dr. Laura

  17. I am 1 1/2 days back. Catching up! ;)

  18. I’m still following along but I’m about a day behind.

  19. I am still one day behind and have been for a few weeks now. No sweat. I am glad to be in the New Testament now!

  20. I am about 4 days behind. :-(

    My 9 month old has been sick with one thing or another for 7 straight weeks now. Today, both ears are infected and he has an upper respiratory infection. Please pray for him to heal.

    Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!

  21. Currently up to date – which is amazing considering we have had company for the last week, the kind that requires lots of attention, and they are here until Saturday.

    I love being in the NT, but then again, I am the one who says about almost every book in the Bible that I am reading that is is my favorite. It is weird to be reading the gospels quietly to myself as I usually read them aloud to our children at breakfast (when we get to the end of John we go back to Matthew and start again).

    Such a rich time of reading.

  22. I’m still reading and STILL behind. I’m up to Malachi, but I’m NOT GIVING UP!!!

  23. oh goodness. the past couple of weeks have been crazy, because we moved this weekend! i am NOT caught up, but i am still working on catching up, and i feel confident that it will be easier to do in the new testament. :) today i will finish the old testament and i will be all the way caught up by friday! one of the big lessons i have been learning is– it doesn’t really matter how crazy my life is. if i don’t make time for my quiet time with God, it’s ME that’s affected. taking that out of my schedule sure doesn’t help my life be LESS crazy, even if it does put a few more minutes back in my day. what a joy it is to NEED God’s word! it’s almost like He designed us that way or something… ;)

  24. Sabrina Reinhart Avatar
    Sabrina Reinhart

    I’m behind. BOOOOOO! But no way am I giving up! I’m so excited to be in the NT and by next check-in I’ll be on schedule again.

  25. Thank you for sharing Shannon’s email. I started with my church, but found myself alone in my efforts when I couldn’t participate in the weekly meetings. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site. Well, we all know that nothing every happens by chance…anyway, I’ve enjoyed Monday nights. I’m behind due to my wacky schedule, but I WILL finish this journey. It has been awesome…and I’m already anticipating doing it again. SORRY for the long comment…:o)

  26. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    Unbelievable! I started last week nearly 11 days behind. Today, I am will be reading tomorrow’s scripture. Thank you, Amy. Your words of encouragement and prayers are wonderful. Thank you all!

  27. Still behind but making great progress! I WILL FINISH this journey, and it will be on time. So happy to be moving into the NT. I start teaching 6th grade religion again next week and cannot wait to share this experience with my students.

  28. Pamela S. Avatar
    Pamela S.

    I am proud to say that I was caught up and started the New Testament on Day 68 with everyone else. I was so excited to turn the page to the words New Testament and beginning reading Matthew. I am currently up-to-date and will not get behind again. I’m amazed each time I pick up my Bible and see how little is left to read and how much I have already read. What an amazing experience!

  29. We were out of town the past two weeks, but are really only two days behind. Listening through the Bible with the kids has been an amazing experience. I’m so glad I signed on at the last minute to do this!

  30. So excited for you guys! You are almost near the end! Praying for you!

  31. Lisa Schlenker Avatar
    Lisa Schlenker

    I am still on track and 2 days ahead of schedule. I am excited to be reading the New Testament – our God is awesome. I am off on a 2 week trip to Canada.

  32. I’m caught up (a few days ahead, actually…) and am still thrilled every time I open the Word–He is an amazing God, and I’m honored to be reading His Word.
    (Can’t wait for the details of the next round :D )


  33. I’m totally caught up, and it feels so great. The end is so close! It’s been interesting to read through the NT so fast–looking at all the gospels in close proximity to one another (if that makes any sense at all.)

  34. I am ahead barely. I am staying with my Mom nights since her heart attack and she doesnt like the TV on so I read or knit.

    As I said in my Blog I’m loving it.

  35. I am about to start Lamentations after plowing through 20 chapters of Jeremiah so far today. Still plugging along!

  36. music_girl29 Avatar

    Caught up and loving the NT – it is refreshing to be reading the story of Jesus’ birth right after reading through all the prophecy – our God is great! Looking forward to the next few weeks of reading the NT and excited about changes in my life that have come as a result of this challenge. Thanks for hosting this Amy!

  37. Still on schedule! I am enjoying reading the gospels immediately after finishing the prophets, where so much of their writing pointed directly to Jesus, and now to read it’s fulfillment in His life.

  38. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I will be reading Luke today.
    I am amazed at how much I have already read.

  39. Wanda Shepherd Avatar
    Wanda Shepherd

    Still reading, still up-to-date!

  40. Chrissy D Avatar
    Chrissy D

    I’m still over a week behind though still feeling Blessed to have this experience and to receive God’s Word in so much detail! I have to say, early last week I was reading Isaiah 53 and had to get up and run into my DD’s (13) bedroom and show her what I had just read! I looked it up in my study Bible and learned that it was prophesied between 700 and 800 years before Christ! That was really a defining moment for me and has made all of the double and triple reading days well worth the time and effort! I’m still in Ezekiel today though am working on getting caught up to finish on time! I am truly loving every minute of this!
    In Christ,

  41. Still behind, but not giving up! I will cross the finish line with our group!

    Andrea in NC

  42. Earlier than expected? WooHoo! I am ready for details!!! Thanks Amy!

  43. I am on track and thrilled for this opportunity. I have tried numerous times before to read the entire Bible but have always failed. It is great to know that I have now read the entire Old Testament. I have been very encouraged by all the verses that deal with having faith and believing. These verses have spoken to me this past week as we are stepping out in faith to adopt and we are not sure how we will finance it but know that God is calling us to this for one of his children. Pressing on and thanking God for all the reminders of the need to have faith and believe.

  44. I am still caught up, although I’ve had to do a double-reading day this week. I’m finding I really don’t like reading the NT so fast. To read Matt 5 – 15 in one sitting? I feel like I’m driving down a scenic highway with beautiful landmarks – at 90 mph.

    But, I am inspired to go back and dig deeper when this is done! I try to keep a list of verses that hit me, so I can go back when I have time and read them and reflect more in depth.

    Blessings all – the end is in sight!!

  45. Just returned from vacation, however Roberta and Rhonda are behind but working on catching up.

  46. Thank you so much for sharing Shannon’s inspirational words, wow! This is my first time stopping by and reading this brought tears to my eyes. Knowing what God has done for me and future generations from here on out, amazing. Thanks again! I will be joining in on the reading… looking forward to it!

  47. I love Shannon’s comments! I fell behind by 4 days last week, but I’m only 1 behind now. Finished the OT Saturday night…what a feeling! I’m really pumped to read the NT with the OT so fresh in my mind, plus my church kicked off a campaign to read thru the whole NT in the next 10 weeks *today* & hubby & I lead a group. Perfect timing!!

  48. I am reading this post on Sunday night and it freaked me out thinking you meant tonight I was supposed to be up to Mark and I went scrambling around the Internet trying to find out what day we’re on on Sunday-it is day 70-correct??

    1. Sorry to get ya going there, Libby! You are right. Day 71 is Monday’s reading day. Typically the check-in goes up right at Midnight so that it is up on Monday, but I let this one go a few hours early.

      You can always click the Bible in 90 Days tab on the upper left part of my homepage to go to a link for the reading schedule, as well as other Bible in 90 Days resources.

  49. My family was caught up until I went out of town for a few days last month. Then we just fell off the wagon. We’re keeping at it though. I have been reading 2-3 days worth of reading per day. I will be caught up by the end of the week. My little 2 are in Daniel. One teen IS on track and the other is with me. My mom is a little further behind due to new job. She’ll get there though.

  50. Melinda M Avatar
    Melinda M

    I am NOT on track, but I am NOT giving up :D The start of school has thrown my whole reading system out of whack. This week should slow down enough to make some progress and I am LOVING it!

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