Fitness Friday: 1 Week report


Happy Friday, friends.

As determined by my new trainer, Fridays and Sundays are rest days for me, so no exercising today. Instead I got to sleep in an extra hour and a half and my body got to recover. Cha-CHING!

After exercising nearly every day over the past week, I cannot say that I look any different, but I sure can say that I have been MUCH more productive every single day this week thanI have been in quite a long time. This even factors in a big confession: I took 2 naps this week, too!

Here are my big fitness changes for the week:

  • Got up much earlier to exercise on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. (I didn’t have to get up early to exercise on Saturday. I just added it in.)
  • Started using High Intensity Interval Training for my cardio workouts. (That means I warmed up, then cycled like the dickens for one minute, recovered for another minute, and repeated several times before cooling down.)
  • Began weight training twice a week with the help of a trainer.
  • Added the use of a sombrero as a push up perfecter.
  • Allowed myself to nap as needed. (Just kissing guilt goodbye, setting an alarm and doing that was a great thing!!)
  • Began eating better breakfasts. I’ve been craving eggs. So I gave myself a solid breakfast each morning.

It’s only been a week, and I can already see great changes in me (not visually- but on the inside). I’ve been getting many more things done that needed to be done. I’ve seen things more clearly than I have been seeing them.  And I’ve been more focused on my kids after school (in a positive way!) than I think I have ever been. I think this exercise, paired my daily devotional time is making a huge positive impact.


Now it’s your turn to let me know how your week was…

Are you exercising with me? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments. What are you doing to exercise? What are your successes? What are your struggles? Let’s share and encourage each other.

Just so you know: Exercising one more time this past week than the week before is a victory and progress in my book. Let’s do this together!


2 responses to “Fitness Friday: 1 Week report”

  1. Joesette Avatar

    I stayed on track all week with my THM eating (woohoo). I didn’t get an exercise routine going yet, as this was our first week of homescool for the year and I’m trying to see how the schedule flows. I did however get in a long walk while the girls were at ballet one night, so that’s an improvement.

    1. Way to go on your eating and getting the walk in. I bet the walk was good for your soul, too. :)

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