Fitness Friday- Week 2 update- Why do YOU exercise?


It’s been two full weeks since we launched into exercising together here on MomsToolbox.

How’s it going for you?

In some ways it is getting easier to keep exercise in my routine, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t also getting harder at times, too.  When my alarm went off Wednesday morning, I really thought about sleeping a little longer and skipping my cardio. I knew that if I didn’t get up, though, I wouldn’t fit my exercise in later in the day. I also thought about the fact that my mornings have been so much more productive and happier since I started exercising early. That got me out of bed and into my workout gear.

As I was cycling, I thought about the fact that I can be so good at a quick exercise habit, but I’ve yet to be able to develop a standing exercise habit that really lasts.

I tend to be a very goals-oriented type of exerciser who needs concrete achievements to tackle. I trained for months for my first MS 150 ride, and I continue to ride in the Houston to Austin MS 150 year after year. I’ll get on exercise kicks for a month or two at a time, but I’ve yet to find something that really sticks year-round. And this has troubled me.

I know that traveling has impacted my regular exercise trends,  but I want to make exercise a part of my life. I don’t want it to be a ‘no-excuses’ part of my life that I have to slide in there somewhere or else. I want it to be a “Wow, I want to do that nearly every day because it just feels so great.” kind of thing.

Is the key to making a real change understanding WHY you are doing it?


This week just might have been my turning point to making that change. This week I think I finally realized WHY I want to exercise.

I’ve been reflecting on how much better my day starts out after I exercise than two weeks ago when I was sluggish in the morning. Adding exercise gets me right out of bed and gets my blood pumping and my brain rocking and rolling. I’m more cheerful and energetic when I wake up my kids and I am also heading into my devotional time with God awake and ready to listen. I am all crazy productive in my work for Wine4.Me, too.

To accommodate this, there has been a shift in going to bed earlier, too, but it has been worth it.

I’m not sure that my previous exercise goals of an event or a weight loss have been the best motivators for me to exercise. I think I’ve finally found the right one:

I am exercising because adding it to my life makes my life better in many, many ways. I  love the feeling I get when I look back on my day at Noon and am encouraged by what I’ve accomplished, rather than frustrated and sluggish. Sure, I’m looking forward to a body transformation of sorts, and that will be fantastic, too– but I think my real motivator is the overall change in my life.

What about you?

Why are you exercising? Have you thought about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts and reasons in the comments, if you are up for sharing.

We’re in this together!



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