Hearing HIM through the noise

Attempting to focus in a busy coffee shop.

Does anyone else struggle in hearing His clear direction? I want to follow Him. I trust Him. I don’t think faith in Him is the problem… it’s faith in me to hear Him clearly.

I look back on my life and see His hand so very clearly in so many ways in every single place. And yet in looking forward, determining my path or even my steps, I ask for guidance and I move ahead, but I continually wonder if I am hearing Him and following Him or if I am following distractions sent by the enemy. I really want to follow Him alone. I want to KNOW what the distractions are and what His directives are. (Some or obvious. Some are not.)

This morning I am in the coffeeshop in San Jose pictured up top. Just a few moments ago I was working through my devotional and study time and trying to maintain focus when I couldn’t help but to be drawn into the conversations around me. (I am in town for Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference, so I am surrounded by tons of interesting, creative people in tech doing interesting creative things. But, honestly, anytime I am anywhere that there are conversations about me I want to know what everyone is discussing!)

I was struggling to maintain focus on my study. I was struggling to hear what I was reading because I was hearing so much else around me.

And then I had to laugh at the parallel: I am having trouble discerning the voice of God through all of the distractions. I was having trouble just doing my study and devo because of all of the distractions.

Sounds like I need to be more intentional in finding peace and quiet so I can listen better.

Can anyone else relate? And, if so, how have you found that peace and quiet? I’m beginning (once again) to think that a commitment to rising early might be the key.


2 responses to “Hearing HIM through the noise”

  1. Thanks for sharing. Lately, I also have been plagued by so many distractions everywhere I go; even at home. I seem to find my quiet times between the hours of 12 and 3 am. That’s when I can get my best studying done.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story.

    I too find it difficult to discern God’s voice when distracted by things around me, that is why I get up early to do my devotions and then exercise before “starting” my day.

    In actuality, doing my devotions first gives me the strength I need to get through my exercise routine and all the other activities I have planned each day.

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