B 90 Days Week7/ Day 43 Check in & Prayer Request

Greetings Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days/ Bible in 90 Days readers!

By the time you go to sleep tonight, you should have read through Psalms 108:13 or page 516 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible, to be caught up.

This week we will hit the half-way mark of our journey through the Bible in 90 days. How do you feel about that?

How has this reading impacted your life? How have you had to adjust to spend so much time with God? How do you plan to adjust more if you are behind in the reading?

It is my prayer for each of you that you have felt God moving mightily in your lives the last few weeks. I hope that you have heard Him speaking to you in a variety of ways and are learning a lot straight from Him.

Tonight on Twitter we will talk about last week’s reading (Nehemiah 13:15- Psalms 89:13), as well as about the program in general. Make plans to join us from 8-9 CST following the #B90Days hashtag.

Please pray for us tonight at 8p CST

Please try to pray for our group tonight at 8 CST. Set an alarm, leave out a sticky note… do something to remember and then join all of us in prayer about our fellow readers at 8 CST, if you can. Please pray for endurance for those reading and also that each reader clearly hears the Lord speaking to her or him.  Please pray that those reading continue reading the Word and do not fall away or get frustrated, but instead feel inspired and excited. (How amazing will it be to know that hundreds are praying, at the same time, for our journey through the Bible together!!)

Then we will talk about Esther, Job and the beginning of Psalms on Twitter with those who are ready to tweet.

Here are a few points to ponder to get ready for our Twitter meeting:


If you were Esther, do you think you would have had the courage to approach the king?

What qualities of Esther do you admire? Do you want to strive towards developing any of those in yourself?

The word “God” is not included in the pages of Esther. Why do you think it is included in the Bible?


Job is thought to be the first book of the Bible to be written.

Do you see Job to be about suffering and patience or faith? Why?

How does God answer Job’s questions?


Which of the Psalms really spoke to you in this reading?

Were there any Psalms that you read this week that were like ‘old friends’ to you? Which ones?

Comment, Link up and Meet up!

I hope that you can meet with us for our virtual study tonight on Twitter. It’s a great chance to connect with other readers for encouragement and discussion.

And I hope your discovery and reading is going well.

If you missed it last week, here is  a quick recap of what we have read in the Old Testament.

Link up, comment and let us know where you are in the reading… And don’t forget to pray for the group tonight.

‘See’ ya tonight!


101 responses to “B 90 Days Week7/ Day 43 Check in & Prayer Request”

  1. I’m all caught up with my reading. It’s so hard for me to believe that I’m practically half way done with the Bible! Reading through Psalms has really convicted my heart about my prayer life. So, I’ve been praying about it. I figure that’s the best way to start. :)

  2. This was a hard week to keep on schedule. I fell behind several days this week, but finally caught up this weekend. I’ll be praying for everyone to persevere and be encouraged to continue!

  3. Had a rough month. 2 weeks behind. All is better now. Working on catching up!

  4. “Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God.” (Psalm 84:3, ESV)

    I was blown away by this. God allows the birds to nest at His altar! We try so hard to preserve His holiness by not desecrating things, but He is perfectly able to maintain holiness and still provide a nest for His creatures. How great is our God!

  5. I’m almost done with today’s reading. I don’t think I’ll be on Twitter tonight. I need a break.

  6. I’m right on track. I might try to read ahead a couple of days just so I have some more built-in grace days later on if needed as Psalm and Proverbs are easy for me to read.

  7. I am a couple of days behind, working on catching up over the next couple of days.

  8. I am still here, hanging in there, not giving up yet….I am still behind, I have been veeeeeery busy, really hard to catch up. I am hoping that by Labor Day, I will be all caught up.

  9. Jaycelyn Avatar

    I’ve gotten behind a couple of times, but am on target today. I too have some old songs going through my head when I read the Psalms.

  10. Michelle Avatar

    Still behind. However, I Am reading and trying to catch up. I just feel like I have accomplished much by trying. :-)

  11. LauraBeth Avatar

    Still behind, but beginning early this morning, I kicked into place a plan to get caught up! Thank you for all the encouraging emails I received last week!

  12. I am actually almost 3 days ahead…I have always enjoyed reading Psalms, so even after I got caught up I just kept on reading :)

  13. Kirsten Avatar

    Still behind, and feeling terrible about it. Still working every day to get caught back up, hopefully next week I will have better news!

  14. Right on track! I’m having trouble reading through the Psalms without singing the old hymns in my head :)

  15. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    Still behind, but consistent! I am reading every day. Looking forward to the power prayer tonight~

  16. Shannon Avatar

    Right on schedule. Have already finished today’s reading as well. I apologize that I was unable to check in last Monday, but I have been having a lot of interference with the internet and was not able to get online but thankfully at this moment it is somewhat working.

    I am amazed that we are almost at the half way point in reading through the Bible! What a tremendous blessing and journey this continues to be!! I have most assuredly drawn much closer to God and am witnessing first hand His miracles, blessings, truths, and promises at work in my life and those around me through my faithfulness to Him and His Word! I am so drawn to God’s Word and the Bible all throughout the day and I am left in awe everytime I read a verse that speaks directly to me or read one that displays how His Word is still applied to everyday life and practices in the present day. These very same verses in God’s Word that have been patiently waiting for me to find them in order to fully receive His abundant, overflowing bountiful harvest, grace, blessings, and wisdom speaking directly into my heart and into my life. I will be praying tonight for all of us as we continue this life changing journey in drawing closer to God , His Word, and one another!

    Abundant Blessings to all!!

  17. Heather Avatar

    Still behind but still plugging along. Thanks for all of the encouragement I received last week after posting that I was thinking about giving up. It really means a lot that people are praying for you and encouraging you to keep going.

  18. imnjupiter Avatar

    A couple of days of driving (I was the driver!), and being out-of-town has put me a little behind again. But, my mathematically oriented self has calculated if I read 3 pages or about 5 Psalms every hour today, I can be caught up by tonight.
    Once again, Psalms if very hard for me on this schedule, and Proverbs probably even worse. I cannot read much at a time without any attentiveness. But once I catch back up, it should be a little easier to spread the readings throughout the day.
    I’m in Arkansas enjoying the three grand-daughters and family. Two have birthdays, and one of those starts Kindergarten this week, so we have a lot of fun and excitement. I’ll have to miss the Twitter group tonight, but it will be in my thoughts.

  19. It’s a weekly theme – still behind, still catching up, still committed to finishing on time! It’s been hard to find time with young ones out of school. But, I was able to read a bunch on a recent plane flight and with school starting in 2 weeks, I will have more time, so I still feel confident that I can finish on time with the group. I read best in blocks of time, so that’s probably why I am still behind.

    However, that being said, I am amazed at this experience. I wish I had done it sooner, and I am learning so much as I continue to read.

    Thanks for the support and the prayers!

  20. All caught up!! Excited to be in Psalms!!

  21. Still on schedule. Woohoo, the Psalms seem so light! I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through!

  22. Tabatha Avatar

    Not sure if I came to check in last week. It was a really long week. I’m still behind but I’m plugging along and reading as much as I can when I can. I’m hoping to be caught up by Sept. I’ll get there!! :-)

  23. Rebecca Oaks Avatar
    Rebecca Oaks

    I am right on track, plugging along! :)

  24. Hanging in there. I am current. LOVING reading the Psalms

    Andrea in NC

  25. well apparently i am incapable of reading on the weekends. :) not really, but i always get behind! with school starting and our fall schedule going into full blast mode, our weekends have been crazy. but my week scheduling has been great and i keep catching up, so it’s all good! and God has definitely been speaking and revealing Himself to me more and more each day. i am so excited to use my new knowledge of God and His word in my talks to my high school and junior high kids this year! almost halfway done– WOW!!

  26. I’m still reading and almost on track – just a little behind and hope by the end of tomorrow to be caught up!
    My daughters are on track too! School starts again on Wednesday and so I’m a little worried about keeping on track once we’re juggling school and homework, too.
    Reading at this pace has been life changing. Just wish I could slow down when reading the Psalms.

  27. Esther is amazing! The love she has for the Lord and her people – I wish more people were like her!

    Job – I remember studying chapters in high school and the suffering is still very sad . . . but the faith is glorious!

    Still reading Psalms – yesterday i was having a very bad horrible day (after a really bad Sat as well) and I started to read Psalms and a peace just came over me – really – a peace!!

  28. I’m on my favorite book of the Bible (Psalms).
    Last year I read through Psalms, adding my name in place where appropriate. It was so eye opening.
    Today I read to Psalms 113.
    As my children are older and I am a SAHM I have the leisure of reading the Bible throughout the day.

  29. Ugh, so behind right now. I allowed some issues I am dealing with to consume me to the point that I hardly read the Bible at all! Not good! (And not reading God’s word really didn’t help me deal with anything, of course.) Please say a prayer for me to get my priorities back in order. Thank you!

  30. Still on track and loving Psalms! Will be praying tonight at 8:00.

  31. Hi! I’m up to date, and just linked up my post. I most likely will not be able to make the Twitter party tonight BUT I will pray for everyone at that time. My husband will be home late tonight, and we all spend time with him later on those days. Thanks again for all your encouragement!

  32. I’m still behind, but I’m not giving up! My husband and I are moving in 10 days, so right now is an incredibly stressful time for us. Please pray.

  33. I am going to start Nahum today.

  34. Jessica Avatar

    I am a couple days ahead. I love that I don’t feel as much pressure to get my reading done. It has actually helped me find more time to read. I can read in shorter blocks of time during the day, not worrying about finishing all at once.

  35. Melinda Avatar

    About a day ahead of schedule and loving it!

  36. I’m 1 1/2 days behind, but I’ll catch up today. Weekends are hard for me with my husband being home and us being on the go.

    I can’t believe it’s the half-way point. This has been truly God-inspired for me. The readings have been relevant to my daily journey, and I am at times left speechless with the parallels.

    I’ve not been able to do the chats because that’s a busy hour around our house, but I do try to check in at least for a few minutes and read it later.

    Now, off to read! :)

  37. I am really enjoying this challenge. I am only 2 days behind, and although very sleep deprived today thanks to my two year old being up a lot last night….I am hoping to catch up throughout the day today! My very favorite Psalm is Psalm 121, so encouraging to me always!

  38. I’m about a day behind. It’s been tough to read this past week with my first child heading to kindergarten. Mornings are hectic, not relaxed so I am not able to get my reading done in the am. Please pray that I would find a new time to get the reading done each day.

  39. I finished Psalms last night and will be starting Proverbs today. I’m surprised at how much more difficult it was to read than I thought it would be. Thanks for the idea of reading it in smaller chunks.

  40. Roberta Avatar

    Roberta and Rhonda Lee are continuing our reading. Look forward to the tweet up tonight!

  41. Tammy B Avatar
    Tammy B

    I am up to date and continuing on. I am so overwhelmed that we are almost halfway finished. I cannot tell you enough how much this has meant to someone who has a hard time following through until the end. Through this I have learned accountability is the key! Thank you Amy for asking us to check in on Mondays. It works for me. Now if you would just start a diet and exercise check in I may get that licked also :)

  42. I’m up to Psalm 70, so I’m about a day behind. I’m keeping up fairly well, though! I don’t have or take the time to participate in the other stuff (‘though it sounds like FUN!), but I’m hanging in!

  43. I will be reading Day 59 today in Lamentations. I am all caught up in my reading, which is nothing short of a miracle. I linked up with a blog post below to explain more about why.

  44. Amy et all, I will be praying tonight. And I’ve asked my mentor-ees to do the same.
    Have a great day. I don’t understand Twitter, or else I’d join you. :)


  45. I’m hanging in there : )

  46. I’m here, still going! :) I’ve had some stuff come up that only allowed me to *start* yesterday’s reading. I will be finishing it throughout the day today, and doing today’s reading tonight, as usual.
    Some things are just unavoidable, I guess! But we are still going and lovin’ it! :)

  47. Hello! I haven’t made it to the twitter party the last few weeks, but things just seem to come up. However, I am caught up and doing well! I keep telling myself if I can just make it through Psalms, it’ll be smooth sailing after that. Psalms can be a real challenge for me not to get bogged down in.

    Half-way soon! That’s so crazy – it seems like just yesterday I was starting! This has been a great time with God and a neat focus to my day each day.

    Thanks so much for hosting this challenge! It took courage to take all this on – and I’m glad you did! (It reminds me of the (in)Courage post today by Sarah Markley). :-)

  48. Sherry Nolen Avatar
    Sherry Nolen

    Im still loving my reading….Im on day 45 Im working hard not to get behind but most of all to finish….This is a big step for me it has been hard but I ill finish……

  49. I will join in prayer. Tonight 8 CST is Tuesday 9am to me.
    Speaking of prayer. I thanked God for answering my prayer and healing me this morning. I wake up 3am with fever, chills, very painful throat and cough. I prayed for healing and when I wake up again on 5:30am, I feel ok with only mild sore throat. God is so good!

  50. Hoping to make the Twitter party tonight! It’s hard for me. Monday is the one night that my hubby works late (doesn’t get home until 10 or 11) and when I’m solo I rarely have everyone settled in bed in time to be online at that time. Thanks for all you do to run this challenge!

    1. You are so very welcome! Thank you for trusting me enough to jump in and join me!
      I completely understand if you can’t make it… the Mondays that my husband can’t be home are a bit crazy with me trying to get everyone settled in time. :)
      PS: Loved your linked check in post. Keep it up!

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