Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Day 6

Yes, I did today’s reading in my car. I had to be somewhere a bit early in the morning, so I brought my Bible along. While waiting for the person I was meeting to get there, I started my reading. Then I finished it once she had gone and I was solo again.

Reading the Bible can happen in a lot of places… at a metro stop, before a meeting, while waiting for a friend who is meeting you for lunch, at your children’s practice, while waiting for a pot to boil or pasta to be ready.

I try to get it in the first thing each morning. Sometimes that doesn’t work. And I am okay with that.

So, of course I have to know: Where does Bible reading fit in on your schedule? Where are some unique places you’ve read the Bible? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments.

Today’s reading: Exodus 15:19- 28:43.

What I heard…

Build (and rely on) a solid team

Scripture: Exodus 18:21

“But select capable men from all the people- men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain- and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”

I hope I’m not going to start a war, here, but I’m willing to bet we can translate “men” here to be “people.”


Moses was managing a big workload. Here, his father-in-law gave him some solid advice on managing effectively all the things that were coming his way.


I sure could take a look at where I can release control on some things in my own life and trust my teammates, as well as recruit solid ones in places I need them.


Father God,

I want to accomplish so much. And I believe you have given me gifts to see how to get many of those things done. Help me see that you have also provided support around me and show me where I can (and should) lean on my teammates or recruit new ones to help. You intend for us to work together for your glory. Please guide me in doing so.

In Jesus’ name,



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