Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 19, Proverbs 19: Learn, THEN jump in

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox
Good morning!

I’m heading back home today after a fantastic trip for vacation with a quick work detour. I am so thankful for every aspect of the trip. It’s been truly amazing. Thank you for bearing with me in my somewhat erratic posting times.. and for understanding that I opted to reuse posts from a previous Proverbs reading for this. I didn’t want to miss you day and this was the best way to do it.

So.. here’s what I heard on a different read through. (I’m going to dive into my reading for this time just after I hit publish.)

Thanks so much for joining me!

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 19

Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…

Scripture: Proverbs 19:2

Desire without knowledge is not good

and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.


Take the time to learn what you need to learn before you take action.


This one is so very applicable to something I experienced last night in a a few business communications that I really had to laugh and be amazed as I read it.

I felt ready to jump into something. I wanted to move forward, yet one of my advisors suggested we stop, meet with others and practice before moving full speed ahead. The plans to move ahead are still there, and will still happen very soon, but not without filling up on a bit more wisdom first.

This reminder from God could not have come at a more appropriate time.


Father God, amaze me.

Thank you for this reminder that came at the exact appropriate time.

I will calm down, fill up on wisdom and then move forward when ready. And how much better I will be when I do take those steps.

I love you, God. You really do rock. Your Word is relevant always.

Thank you.


Here is what I have heard in the past when reading Proverbs this way and using SOAP:

Proverbs in 31 Days ebook

FREE Printable Resources:

What about you?

What did you hear today? Did the same verse stand out to you or was it something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, if you are up for it.


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